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Block Format Keyword

/DEFAULT/INTER/TYPE2 - Interface Type 2 Default Values Definition


Defines interfaces TYPE2 default values.
























Read this input, if Spotflag = 25 or 26 (optional):



















hmtoggle_plus1Flag Definition



SI Unit Example


Flag to ignore slave nodes if no master segment found.

(Integer) (Comments 13 and 14 in /INTER/TYPE2)

= 0: default, set to 1000.

= 1: Slave nodes with no master segment found during the Starter are deleted from the interface

= 2: Slave nodes with no master segment found during the Starter are deleted from the interface, new calculation for dsearch, if dsearch = 0

= 3: Slave nodes with no master segment found during the Starter are deleted from the interface, new calculation for dsearch, if dsearch = 0

= 1000: No deletion of slave nodes



Spotweld formulation flag (Comments 4 through 8 and 12 in /INTER/TYPE2)


= 0: default

set to 4, if /CAA is activated
set to 5, if /CAA is not activated.

= 1: formulation is optimized for spotwelds or rivets

= 2: same formulation as standard formulation. Required when using hierarchy levels. Not compatible with nodal time step, /DT/NODA/CST.

= 4: rotational DOF are not transmitted (if shells are used)

= 5: standard formulation

= 20, 21, 22: formulation with failure. Not compatible with nodal time step, /DT/NODA/CST. The stress is computed for each slave node according to the "equivalent" surface around the node. The equivalent surface is defined accordingly:

= 20: surface computed using shell and brick faces attached to the node.

= 21: surface computed using only the shell attached to the node.

= 22: surface computed using only the brick faces attached to the node.

= 25: penalty formulation

= 30: formulation with cubic curvature of master segment. Not compatible with nodal time step, /DT/NODA/CST



Search formulation flag for the closest master segment


= 0: default, set to 2

= 1: old formulation (only used for previous version)

= 2: new improved formulation (default)



Node deletion flag (Comments 9, 10 and 16 in /INTER/TYPE2)

Default = 0  (Integer)

= 0: default, set to 1000

= 1: the kinematic condition is suppressed on the slave node, when all elements linked to the master segment are deleted. (The slave node is removed from the interface).

= 2: the kinematic condition is suppressed on the slave node, if the master element is deleted. (The slave node is removed from the interface).

= 1000: no deletion (default)



(Optional) Interface stiffness definition flag (Comment 17 in /INTER/TYPE2).

Only used with penalty formulations (Spotflag=25 or 26)


= 0: default, set to 2

= 1: Penalty stiffness is only based on master segment stiffness.

= 2, 3, 4 and 5: penalty stiffness is computed from both master and slave characteristics.