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Block Format Keyword

/INTER/TYPE2 - Interface Type 2


Defines a TYPE2 tied interface that kinematically connects a set of slave nodes to a master surface. It can be used to connect coarse and fine meshes, model spotwelds, rivets, and so on.
























Read this input, if Spotflag = 20, 21, or 22:

























Read this input, if Spotflag = 25 or 26 (Optional):




















Read this input (Optional):





















hmtoggle_plus1Flag Definition



SI Unit Example


Interface identifier

(Integer, maximum 10 digits)



Optional unit identifier

(Integer, maximum 10 digits)



Interface title

(Character, maximum 100 characters)



Slave node group identifier




Master surface identifier




Flag to ignore slave nodes if no master segment found.

(Integer) (Comments 12 and 13)

= 0: default, set to the value defined in /DEFAULT/INTER/TYPE2.

= 1: Slave nodes with no master segment found during the Starter are deleted from the interface

= 2: Slave nodes with no master segment found during the Starter are deleted from the interface, new calculation for dsearch, if dsearch = 0 (Comment 14)

= 3: Slave nodes with no master segment found during the Starter are deleted from the interface, new calculation for dsearch, if dsearch = 0 (Comment 14)

= 1000: No deletion of slave nodes (default, if /DEFAULT/INTER/TYPE2 is not defined).



Spotweld formulation flag (Comments 3 through 7 and 11)


= 0: default, set to the value defined in /DEFAULT/INTER/TYPE2.

= 1: formulation is optimized for spotwelds or rivets

= 2: same formulation as standard formulation. Required when using hierarchy levels. Not compatible with nodal time step /DT/NODA/CST.

= 4: rotational DOF are not transmitted (if shells are used) (default when /CAA is activated).

= 5: standard formulation (default when /CAA is activated).

= 20, 21, 22: formulation with failure. Not compatible with nodal time step /DT/NODA/CST. The stress is computed for each slave node according to the "equivalent" surface around the node. The equivalent surface is defined accordingly:

= 20: surface computed using shell and brick faces attached to the node.

= 21: surface computed using only the shell attached to the node.

= 22: surface computed using only the brick faces attached to the node.

= 25: penalty formulation

= 26: penalty formulation with added transmission of rotational moments from slave to master.

= 30: formulation with cubic curvature of master segment. Not compatible with nodal time step /DT/NODA/CST



Hierarchy level of the interface




Search formulation flag for the closest master segment


= 0: default, set to the value defined in /DEFAULT/INTER/TYPE2.

= 1: old formulation (only used for previous version)

= 2: new improved formulation (default, if /DEFAULT/INTER/TYPE2 is not defined).



Node deletion flag (Comments 9, 10 and 16)

Default = 0  (Integer)

= 0: default, set to the value defined in /DEFAULT/INTER/TYPE2.

= 1: the kinematic condition is suppressed on the slave node, when all elements linked to the master segment are deleted. (The slave node is removed from the interface).

= 2: the kinematic condition is suppressed on the slave node, if the master element is deleted. (The slave node is removed from the interface).

= 1000: no deletion (default, if /DEFAULT/INTER/TYPE2 is not defined).



Distance for searching closest master segment

Default value is the average size of the master segments. (Comments 2 and 13)




Failure model (only available with Spotflag 20, 21 or 22)


= 0: default, set to value defined in /DEFAULT/INTER/TYPE2.

= 1: failure when

= 2: failure when Max_N_Dist or Max_T_Dist are reached (default)



Filter flag (Comment 10)


= 0: no filtering

= 1: filtering (alpha filter)



Stress factor vs stress rate function identifier (Comment 6)




Max normal stress vs normal relative displacement function identifier (N_Dist.)

This function must be defined. (Comment 6)




Max tangential stress vs tangential relative displacement function identifier (T_Dist.)
This function must be defined. (Comment 6)




Asymmetric rupture flag (Comment 6)

Default = 0 (Integer)

= 0: symmetric rupture (traction and compression)

= 1: asymmetric rupture (traction only, not in compression)



Maximum normal relative displacement

Default = 1e+20  (Real)



Maximum tangential relative displacement

Default = 1e+20  (Real)



Stress scale factor (Comment 6)

Default = 1.00  (Real)



Stress rate scale factor (Comment 6)

Default = 1.00  (Real)



Distance scale factor (Comment 6)

Default = 1.00  (Real)



Stress filter alpha value

Default = 1  (Real)



(Optional) Area of surface which used when the area computed from slave node side is null or when slave node is connected only to 1D element.

Default = 0.0  (Real)



(Optional) Stiffness factor (used only with Spotflag 25 or 26)

Default = 1.0  (Real)



(Optional) Critical damping coefficient on interface stiffness (used only with Spotflag =25 or 26)

Default = 0.05  (Real)



Interface stiffness definition flag (Comment 16). Only used with penalty formulations (Spotflag=25 or 26)


= 0: default, set to 2

= 1: Penalty stiffness is only based on master segment stiffness.

= 2, 3, 4 and 5: penalty stiffness is computed from both master and slave characteristics.



Heat transfer flag


= 0: no heat transfer

= 1: heat transfer between pieces in contact is activated



Heat exchange coefficient

Default = 0.0



Slave node projection flag (Comment 18) (not available for Spotflag = 1, 26 and 30).


= 0: default, set to 1

= 1: force slave projection position to master edge

= 2: slave projection is not modified


1.Interface type 2 is a kinematic condition; no other kinematic condition should be set on any node of the slave surface, except when Spotflag =25 or 26.
2.The dsearch is computed as follows (see the RADIOSS Theory Manual):

with, n being the number of master segments, and di is the total length of all the master side segments.

3.Master nodes of an interface type 2 may be slave nodes of another interface type 2 only if the hierarchy level of the first interface is lower than the hierarchy level of the second interface. Hierarchy levels are only available with Spotflag =2. It does not work if Spotflag =0 or Spotflag =1.

A possible workaround is using Spotflag=2, which corresponds to the default formulation (Spotflag=0); except that it is not compatible with /DT/NODA/CST.

4.Spotflag =2 is equivalent to formulation 0; except that it is not compatible with nodal time step /DT/NODA/CST.
5.Spotflag =4 is recommended to connect SPH particles to a surface (refer to /SPH).
6.For failure (Spotflag = 20, 21 or 22), it could model, for example, glue connection. In this case, the force in slave node will be scaled by reduced force coefficient Fac_N (Fac_T), which is computed as:


The reduced force is compared to the max value:

if , then Fac_N =1, which means the force will not be reduced.

if , then which means the force will then be reduced.

Here the max value will be defined by the user with:

Once the rupture criterion (defined by Rupt) is reached, the contact will be deleted.


is the maximum normal stress value defined by fct_IDsn
is the normal stress
is the maximum tangential stress value defined by fct_IDst
is the tangential stress
Fscalestress is the input constant stress factor
fct_IDsr is the input variable coefficient
fct_IDsn and fct_IDs are the input stress-displacement functions
Isym permits to choose between symmetric or asymmetric rupture (traction/compression). The initial direction from master surface to the slave node defines the positive side (traction). If the distance is zero (slave node lies on the master surface), the rupture will be symmetric, even with Isym =1.

This failure option (Spotflag = 20, 21 or 22) can not be used in implicit.

7.Spotflag =30: Slave mass/inertia/stiffness distribution to the master node is based on the Kirschoff model: bi-cubic form functions are used instead of linear (standard formulation). It allows a softer contact behavior since the element shape curvature is taken into account in the force/moment transmission.

Warning: This formulation is not compatible with solid elements, since it requires rotational DOF.

8.If flag Idel2 =2, then when a 4-node shell, a 3-node shell or a solid element is deleted, it is also removed from the master side of the interface (the kinematic condition is suppressed on relative slave nodes).
9.The options Idel2 =1 and Idel2 =2 act if the master element is deleted using explicit deletion in RADIOSS Engine (using the keyword /DEL in RADIOSS Engine Input (/DEL/SHELL, /DEL/BRICK, ...)).
10.If Ifiltr is set to 1, the normal and tangential stresses are filtered with an alpha filter, as follows:

11.Spotflag =25 (penalty formulation) will keep the penalty formulation during the whole run. The slave node (of this contact) could also be the slave node of another kinematic option, like rigid body.

The penalty stiffness is constant, calculated as the mean nodal stiffness of master and slave side. The stiffness factor, Stfac, may be used to modify it, if needed. The penalty stiffness will be multiplied by Stfac.

A critical viscous damping coefficient (Visc) allows damping to be applied to the interface stiffness.

Spotflag =26 is similar to Spotflag =25, but with added transmission of rotational moments from slave to master.

12.If Ignore = 1, 2, or 3, the slave nodes without a master segment found during the Starter, are deleted from the interface.
13.If Ignore ≠ 1000, dsearch is used.

If Ignore = 2 or 3 and dsearch = 0, dsearch is computed, as follows for each slave node:

symbol_s1 = 0.6 * (thickness_slave_node + thickness_master_segment)

symbol_s2 = 0.5 * (master segment diagonal)

dsearch = max(symbol_s1,symbol_s2)

For shells:

thickness_slave_node = shell thickness of slave
thickness_master segment = shell thickness of master

For solids:

thickness_slave_node = 0

If Ignore = 2:

If Ignore = 3:

thickness_master segment = 0

If Ignore = 2 or =3:

Thickness is retained in the following order: first from /PART definition, from /SHELL or /SH3N definition, then from /PROP definition.

14.The contact is compatible with 2D–plane and –axisymmetrical simulations only for Spotflag=0 and in case of connecting to solid elements with Spotflag=0, then moments are not transferred.
15.If flag Idel2 =1, then when all 4-node shells, all 3-node shells and all solid elements belonging to a master segment are deleted, this segment is also removed from the master side of the interface (the kinematic condition is suppressed on relative slave nodes).
16.Interface penalty stiffness is computed from both master segment stiffness Km and slave node stiffness Ks, depending on Istf flag:

Istf = 1: Kn = Stfac * Km

Istf = 2: (default)

Istf = 3: Kn = Stfac * max (Km,Ks)

Istf = 4: Kn = Stfac * min (Km,Ks)

Istf = 5:

17.If Ithe >1, the material of the slave side and master need to be a thermal material, using finite element formulation for heat transfer (/HEAT/MAT).

Thermal conduction is computed when the slave node falls into contact.

The heat exchange is computed from master to slave and from slave to master:

18.Iproj =1, if a slave node projection is outside of the master element, it is moved to the closest edge of the master element (in order to avoid using negative values for shape functions). This flag is activated by default. In order to ensure consistency with RADIOSS versions prior to V14.0 and avoid numerical differences, this option can be deactivated (Iproj =2).


See Also:

Interface type 2 in User's Guide

Interface type 2 in FAQ (Kinematic Conditions)

Interface type 2 in FAQ (Contact Interfaces)

Interface type 2 in Theory Manual

Example 14.1 - VPG with a Complete Finite Element Model

Example 45 - Multi-Domain

Example 48 - Solid Spotweld

Example 49 - Bird Strike on Windshield