The strain tensor is not computed by default; it must be asked for in the RADIOSS input file (Runname_0000.rad) by setting flag Istrain (flag to compute strains for post-processing) to 1 in option /DEF_SHELL or in the shell property set. On the contrary, the strain tensor is always computed and available for Law 25 and Law 27. |
Strain rate filtering needs to be activated (Fsmooth =1), but it is not available for most material laws, but not for all. It is not possible to get these outputs if the material law does not allow filtering (or “smooth”) the strain rate. On the contrary, using Fsmooth =1 and Fcut =1.E+30 will allow for all these laws to get these outputs without filtering the strain rate (indeed, filtering is activated but the cut-off frequency is so high that no filtering happens at all). In certain cases, the outputs are also available even if strain rate filtering had not been asked for (Fsmooth =0). This variable EPSD is available for both Animations and Time History in case of shell elements; it is only available for Animations in case of solid elements.
Output to ANIM or Time History files of strain rate for shell elements
Output to ANIM files of strain rate for solid elements |
The stresses SIGX, SIGY… in Animation files represent the mean stresses through the thickness of the shell element. The VONM stress represents the Mises criteria applied to these mean stresses SIGX, SIGY… In the same way the stresses F1, F2, F12, Q1 and Q2 given in Time History correspond to these mean stresses. These mean stresses are computed by summation of the stresses at each integration point, averaged by the integration weights (refer to the integration weights table in the RADIOSS Theory Manual). They are used for the internal forces calculation. |
This value corresponds to the plastic strain value on the neutral fibre. |
The specific energy per mass unit. |
The Hourglass energy per mass unit. |
When looking to the SUBSET or the PART in Time History, the hourglass energy is not zero. This is because energy absorbed due to the numerical damping is output there. This means, in output the place of hourglass energy has been used to present this viscous energy. The viscous energy is related to coefficient dn for shell property which using QEPH (Ishel =24) and QBAT and DKT18 (Ishel =12 or Ish3n =30). The energy corresponding to the physical stabilization of hourglass is counted as internal energy for this formulation. |
This option uses the Gnu tool: GZIP which is normally available on all systems UNIX and Linux. Verify that it is installed correctly on the machine RADIOSS is running on.
See Also: |
Runname_nnnn.sty files contain both membrane and max (over the integration points through the thickness) values; whereas Annn files contain only membrane value. |
Yes it is possible to write an Animation file by writing a control file in the data directory. For the run number nn (/RUN/Runname/nn in the RADIOSS Engine input file), you have to write the file Runname_nn_0000_[C].rst with the process /ANIM in it. RADIOSS Engine writes an Animation file at this time. The other options available with control files are described in the Control File (C-File) file. In order to change the Animation files writing frequency, you have to stop your RADIOSS computation while writing a RESTART file, by using a control file (option /STOP). Then you can chain a second run with a different frequency for the Animation files writing. |
Select Preferences > Option > Visualization menu in HyperView to display Eroded Elements. This will help you to understand the propagation of a fracture. |