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Files Created by OptiStruct

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Files Created by OptiStruct

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The filenames listed on this page contain only the tail part of the name. For most files, the full filename is controlled by the OUTFILE command (ASSIGN,OUTFILE), and in the absence of OUTFILE, they use the root of input filename. Unless otherwise noted for a specific file type (.#.eigv), all output files have the same root and are located in the same folder. The only exception is <BODY_NAME>.h3d; these files may not have a common root in the filename.

.#.#.#.dis file

.#.#.dis file

.#.#.dis.# file

.#.#.els file

.#.#.fat file

.#.asens file

.#.dis file

.#.dis.# file

.#.eigv file

.#.els file

.#.els.# file

.#.grid file

.#.h3d file

.#.mass file

.#.sens file

.#.sh file

.#.slk file

.amls_singularity.cmf file

.amses_singularity.cmf file

.bdst file

.cntf file

.contgap.fem file

.cstr file

.dens file

.desvar file

.dis.# file

.disp file

.dvgrid file

.echo file

.els.# file

.force file

.fsthick file

.gpf file

.grid file

.h3d file

.hgdata file

.hist file

.HM.auto.cmf file

.HM.comp.cmf file

.HM.conn.cmf file

.HM.elcheck.cmf file

.HM.elcheck.###.cmf file

.HM.ent.cmf file

.HM.gapstat.cmf file

.html file

.interface file

.k.op2 file

.load file

.m.op2 file

.mass file

.mnf file

.mpcf file

.op2 file

.oss file

.out file

.pch file

.pcomp file

.peak file

.pret file

.prop file

.rand file

.res file

.seplot file

.sh file

.spcd file

.spcf file

.stat file

.strn file

.strs file

_bdst.mvw file

_des.h3d file

_err.grid file

_frames.html file

_freq.#.mvw file

_freq.mvw file

_gauge.h3d file

_gso.slk file

_hist.mvw file

_mass.#.mvw file

_mass.mvw file

_mbd.h3d file

_mbd.log file

_mbd.mrf file

_mbd.mvw file

_mbd.xml file

_menu.html file

_modal.#.mvw file

_modal.mvw file

_rand.mvw file

_s#.h3d file

_s#_a.#.frf file

_s#_a.frf file

_s#_a.mbd file

_s#_a.trn file

_s#_d.#.frf file

_s#_d.frf file

_s#_d.mbd file

_s#_d.trn file

_s#_v.#.frf file

_s#_v.frf file

_s#_v.mbd file

_s#_v.trn file

_sens.#.mvw file

_shuffling.#.fem file

_sizing.#.fem file

_sizing.#.inc file

_topol.h3d file

_tran.mvw file

<BODY_NAME>.h3d file