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I/O Options and Bulk Data Entry

INCLUDE - File Selection


The INCLUDE command can be used in the I/O Options, Subcase Information, or Bulk Data sections to indicate that the contents of another file are to be inserted into the input file at the exact location of the include command.


INCLUDE option






No default

filename: the path to and the name of the file to be included.


1.INCLUDE commands may be placed at any location in the input file, but must include information appropriate to that location.
2.Names specified on the INCLUDE card can be arbitrary file names with optional paths appropriate to the operating system (Windows or UNIX). They may be enclosed in quotes (double or single quotes can be used), and either forward slash (/) or back slash (\) characters can be used to separate parts of the path name.

The following rules are used to locate a file referenced on the INCLUDE card:

When the argument contains the absolute path of the file (if it starts with "/" on UNIX or a drive letter, such as "D:", on Windows, for example), the file at the given location is used.
When only the file prefix is given (without the path), the file has to be located in the same directory as the file containing the INCLUDE command.
When the argument contains a relative path (../filename or sub/filename, for example), it is located in the directory relative to the file containing the INCLUDE command and is NOT relative to the directory in which the solver was executed, or to the directory where the main file is located.
3.The INCLUDE command supports path names of up to 600 characters in length. This data can be on a single line or span multiple continuation lines. See Guidelines for I/O Options and Subcase Information Entries for an example showing how to enter long file names on multiple lines.
4.Represented through the master model in HyperMesh.

See Also:

I/O Options Section

I/O Options by Function

The Input File