Block Format Keyword
/MAT/LAW42 - Incompressible Visco-hyperelastic Material
This keyword defines a hyperelastic, viscous, and incompressible material specified using the Ogden, Mooney-Rivlin material models. This law is generally used to model incompressible rubbers, polymers, foams, and elastomers. This material can be used with shell and solid elements.
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
(6) |
(7) |
(8) |
(9) |
(10) |
/MAT/LAW42/mat_ID/unit_ID or /MAT/OGDEN/mat_ID/unit_ID |
mat_title |
fct_IDblk |
Fscaleblk |
M |
Iform |
Blank Format |
Blank Format |
If M > 0
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
(6) |
(7) |
(8) |
(9) |
(10) |
G1 |
G2 |
G3 |
G4 |
G5 |
. . . M values of G (five per line) |
. . . M values of |
#RADIOSS STARTER #---1----|----2----|----3----|----4----|----5----|----6----|----7----|----8----|----9----|---10----| /UNIT/1 unit for mat kg mm ms #---1----|----2----|----3----|----4----|----5----|----6----|----7----|----8----|----9----|---10----| #- 2. MATERIALS: #---1----|----2----|----3----|----4----|----5----|----6----|----7----|----8----|----9----|---10----| /MAT/OGDEN/1/1 rubber # RHO_I 6.74E-5 # Nu sigma_cut funIDbulk Fscale_bulk M Iform .495 .004 0 0 0 0 # Mu_1 Mu_2 Mu_3 Mu_4 Mu_5 .002009 1.27E-6 0 0 0 # blank card
# alpha_1 alpha_2 alpha_3 alpha_4 alpha_5 2 -2 0 0 0 # blank card
#---1----|----2----|----3----|----4----|----5----|----6----|----7----|----8----|----9----|---10----| #ENDDATA /END #---1----|----2----|----3----|----4----|----5----|----6----|----7----|----8----|----9----|---10----| |
Law Compatibility with Failure Model
Ogden and Mooney-Rivlin model in Theory Manual
Example 42 - Rubber Ring: Crush and Slide