Model Element |
Description |
Reference_Spline defines spline with two or three independent variables. The spline data can be specified in two different ways: 1) Write a Spline_Read user defined subroutine to read the data from a file or 2) Directly embed the data points in the XML input file. The first approach is preferred when either the number of data points is very large or the data is stored in a binary file. The latter approach is preferred for small to medium sized curves (<1000 points). Splines have many varied applications in MotionSolve. Some of these are listed below.
Interpolation for the Reference_Spline data can be done either using the AKIMA (AKISPL) or the CUBIC (CUBSPL) interpolation method. These functions are supported in the MotionSolve expression language. Both AKIMA and CUBIC use cubic polynomials to perform interpolation, but differ in many important ways. The AKIMA fitting algorithm uses local methods to calculate the spline coefficients. No matrices are ever inverted. For this reason, it is preferred when the reference spline has many data points. The key disadvantage with this method is that is has non-smooth derivatives, especially when the data points are not equally spaced. The AKIMA method consequently must never be used for interpolating Motion data. The Cubic fitting algorithm ensures a much smoother fit by utilizing natural splines. Consequently, it is much better at calculating derivatives of the resulting spline. However, it is not good at modeling sharp corners in the data. For splines with two independent variables (3D splines), the interpolation along the second independent variable is always linear, regardless of the choice of interpolation along the first independent variable. |
Format |
<Reference_Spline id = "integer" [ label = "string" ] [ linear_extrap = { "TRUE" | "FALSE" } ] { usrsub_dll_name = "valid_path_name" usrsub_fnc_name = "custom_fnc_name" > | script_name = valid_path_name interpreter = "PYTHON" | "MATLAB" usrsub_fnc_name = "custom_fnc_name" >
file_name = "valid_file_name" [ block_name = "valid_block_name" ]
| num_x = "integer" [ num_z = "integer" ] > < !-- X Y for Z1 Y for Z2 Y for ZNUM_Z --> x1 y1,1 y1,2 ... y1,NUM_Z x2 y2,1 y2,2 ... y2,NUM_Z ... XNUM_X yNUM_X,1 yNUM_X,2 ... yNUM_X,NUM_Z } <!—- Z values --> Z1 Z2 ... ZNUM_Z </Reference_Spline> |
Attributes |
id |
Element identification number (integer>0). This is a number that is unique among all Reference_Spline elements. |
label |
The name of the Reference_Spline element. |
linear_extrap |
A logical flag that specifies how MotionSolve is to deal with the situation when the independent coordinate falls out of the range of data provided. The value TRUE indicates that MotionSolve is to use linear extrapolation to estimate the spline value. The value FALSE indicates that MotionSolve should not extrapolate; instead it should return an error. |
num_x |
Specifies the number of X points in the spline. Use this option only when the data is directly embedded in the XML file. |
num_z |
Specifies the number of Z points in the spline. Use this option only when the data is directly embedded in the XML file. This parameter is only required for 3D splines. |
usrsub_dll_name |
Specifies the path and name of the DLL or shared library containing the user subroutine, Spline_Read. After reading the data, Spline_Read calls Put_Spline to transfer the data to MotionSolve. MotionSolve uses this information to load the user subroutine Spline_Read in the DLL at run time. Use only when the data is contained in an external file. |
usrsub_fnc_name |
Specifies an alternative name for the user subroutine Spline_Read. |
script_name |
Specifies the path and name of the user written script that contains the routine specified by usrsub_fnc_name. |
interpreter |
Specifies the interpreted language that the user script is written in. Valid choices are MATLAB or PYTHON. |
file_name |
Specifies the path and name of the file containing the spline data. Use only when the data is contained in an external file. |
block_name |
Specifies the block name containing the spline data. A single file may contain several blocks of data. This parameter is optional. Use only when the data is contained in an external file. |
Comments |
Example |
The following example depicts an experimentally measured steering wheel angle versus time profile that is to be used in a motion definition. The data is embedded directly in the XML input file. The abscissa (x-value) represents simulation time and the ordinate (y-value) represents the steering wheel angle. <Reference_Spline id = "301001" num_x = "11"> 0.00E+00 1.09E+00 1.00E-01 6.88E+00 2.00E-01 2.52E+00 3.00E-01 3.02E+00 4.00E-01 3.30E+00 5.00E-01 3.23E+00 6.00E-01 -8.91E-02 7.00E-01 -4.20E+00 8.00E-01 -3.00E+00 9.00E-01 2.05E+00 1.00E+00 0.04E+00 </ Reference_Spline> The second example demonstrates an alternate implementation of the previous one. The key difference is that the data is now encapsulated in an external file. A user defined subroutine, Spline_Read, is used to read the data. Spline_Read calls Put_Spline to populate the MotionSolve database with the spline data. /staff/gates/curveData/ is the DLL containing the user defined Spline_Read that reads the spline data. After reading the data, it calls the solver utility function Put_Spline to put the reference spline data into solver memory. /staff/gates/curveData/springs/wheel_1.dat contains the spline data. The file contains several blocks of data. The data of interest is stored in the block called wheel_angle. <Reference_Spline id = "301001" usrsub_dll_name = "/staff/gates/curveData/" file_name = "/staff/gates/curveData/springs/wheel_1.dat" block_name = "wheel_angle"> </ Reference_Spline> The following example demonstrates a 3D spline. <Reference_Spline id = "301001" num_x = "5" num_z = "3"> <!-- X Y for Z1 Y for Z2 Y for Z3 --> 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 2.5000000E-01 5.0000000E-01 7.0000000E-01 9.0000000E-01 5.0000000E-01 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 7.5000000E-01 5.0000000E-01 7.0000000E-01 9.0000000E-01 1.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 0.0000000E+00 <!-- Z values --> 0.0 1.0 20.0 </Reference_Spline> |
Model Element |
Description |
SPLINE defines spline with two or three independent variables. The spline data can be specified in two different ways: 1) Write a SPLINE_READ user defined subroutine to read the data from a file or 2) Directly embed the data points in the Python input file. The first approach is preferred when either the number of data points is very large or the data is stored in a binary file. The latter approach is preferred for small to medium sized curves (<1000 points). Splines have many varied applications in MotionSolve. Some of these are listed below.
Interpolation for the SPLINE data can be done either using the AKIMA (AKISPL) or the CUBIC (CUBSPL) interpolation method. These functions are supported in the MotionSolve expression language. Both AKIMA and CUBIC use cubic polynomials to perform interpolation, but differ in many important ways. The AKIMA fitting algorithm uses local methods to calculate the spline coefficients. No matrices are ever inverted. For this reason, it is preferred when the reference spline has many data points. The key disadvantage with this method is that is has non-smooth derivatives, especially when the data points are not equally spaced. The AKIMA method consequently must never be used for interpolating Motion data. The Cubic fitting algorithm ensures a much smoother fit by utilizing natural splines. Consequently, it is much better at calculating derivatives of the resulting spline. However, it is not good at modeling sharp corners in the data. For splines with two independent variables (3D splines), the interpolation along the second independent variable is always linear, regardless of the choice of interpolation along the first independent variable. |
Declaration |
Attributes |
id |
Element identification number (integer>0). This number is unique among all the SPLINE elements. |
The name of the SPLINE element. |
X |
Specifies the list of the X values of the spline. |
Y |
Specifies the list of the Y values of the spline. |
A logical flag that specifies how MotionSolve is to deal with the situation when the independent coordinate falls out of the range of data provided. The value TRUE indicates that MotionSolve is to use linear extrapolation to estimate the spline value. The value FALSE indicates that MotionSolve should not extrapolate; instead it should return an error. |
Specifies the path and name of the file containing the spline data. Use only when the data is contained in an external file. |
Specifies the block name containing the spline data. A single file may contain several blocks of data. This parameter is optional. Use only when the data is contained in an external file. |
Specifies an alternative name for the user subroutine SPLINE_READ. |
Specifies the interpreted language that the user script is written in. Valid choices are MATLAB or PYTHON. |
Specifies the path and name of the user written script that contains the routine. |
CommentsSee Reference_Spline |
ExampleThe first example below demonstrates the specification of a SPLINE by directly embedding data in the Python input file. SPLINE(301001,LABEL="Steering wheel angle Vs Time", X=[ 0,.1,.2,.3,.4,.5,.6,.7,.8,.9,1], Y=[1.09,6.88,2.52,3.02,3.30,3.23,-.0891,-4.20,3,2.05,0])
The second example below demonstrates the specification of a SPLINE by referring a external file in which the data is encapsulated. The data is read from the file using the user sub routine SPLINE_READ. SPLINE(301001,LABEL="Steering wheel angle Vs Time", FILE="/staff/gates/curveData/springs/wheel_1.dat", BLOCK="wheel_angle", The third example below demonstrates the specification of a 3D SPLINE SPLINE(301001,LABEL="Name of the 3D spline", X=[ 0,.25,.5,.75,1], Y=[0,0,.5,0,.5,0,1,0,.7,0,.7,0,20,0,.9,0,.9,0]) |
See Also:
The following MDL Model statements: