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I/O Options Entry

RESTART - Run Control Command


The RESTART command can be used in the I/O Options section to indicate that the current optimization is to be restarted from the final iteration of a previous optimization.


RESTART = option





<File prefix>

Default = prefix of .fem file

File prefix:

The prefix of the .sh file to be used as the starting iteration for the restart.


1.To restart an optimization, information about the final iteration of a previous optimization run is needed. This information is contained in the .sh file.
2.The purpose of the restart functionality is for restarting with unconverged optimization runs or optimization runs that were terminated before completion (due to a power outage, and so on). Only limited changes are allowed to be made to the model data. Refer to Restarting OptiStruct in the User's Guide.
3.This I/O Option is not valid for analysis mode.
4.Output files from a restart run are appended with the extension _rst#, where # is a 3 digit number indicating the starting iteration for the restart run. For example, filename_rst030.out is the .out file created when restarting filename.fem from iteration 30.
5.The total length of information on this card is limited to 200 characters (including the card name and spaces between arguments). This data can be on a single line or span multiple continuation lines. Refer to Guidelines for I/O Options and Subcase Information Entries for an example showing how to enter long file names on multiple lines.

See Also:

I/O Options Section

I/O Options by Function

The Input File