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I/O Options Entry

RESTARTR - Selection of Restart Files for Nonlinear Restart


The RESTARTR entry can be used in the I/O Options section to define the reading requests for nonlinear restart.


RESTARTR = file_prefix





Prefix of .rnl file

No default

Identifies the .rnl and .rmd files to be read.

The .rnl and .rmd files are named in format <filename>_sub<i>_inc<j>.rnl and <filename>.rmd respectively, where <filename> is the filename of the input deck (prior to .fem), <i> (0<i<100000000) is the corresponding subcase ID and <j> (0<j<10000) is the corresponding increment number in the subcase.


RESTARTR = originaljob_sub5_inc0012

Interpretation: the restart model information file to be read is originaljob.rmd and the restart analysis information file to be read is originaljob_sub5_inc0012.rnl.


1.If a RESTARTR entry is specified in the model, OptiStruct reads a restart model information file (*.rmd) and a restart analysis information file (*.rnl) to restart a nonlinear analysis run that was interrupted earlier.
2.For information on restart of nonlinear analysis, refer to Restart of Nonlinear Analysis in the User's Guide.
3.RESTARTW and RESTARTR entries can be specified together, except for the very first run (that is, the original job that is subsequently restarted), where only RESTARTW is allowed.
4.RESTARTR is only supported for large displacement quasi-static and transient analysis.
5.RESTARTR is not supported for model change (MODCHG).

See Also:

I/O Options Section

I/O Options by Function

The Input File