HyperWorks Solvers

Run Options for RADIOSS

Run Options for RADIOSS

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Run Options for RADIOSS

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The following options can be used with the HyperWorks Solver Run Manager GUI or by launching RADIOSS using the default RADIOSS script from the command line. Refer to Running RADIOSS for more details.




Available Platforms



Disable auto continuation to next Engine or mod file, run only Starter for single file format. (Comments 1, 2, and 3)

All Platforms



Run RADIOSS Engine starting from checkpoint savefile.

All Platforms



List all files in the current folder with detected types (Starter/Engine/mod).

All Platforms



Set name to the dynamic library for RADIOSS User Subroutines.

All Platforms



Extra arguments that are passed to the solver.

(Example: \"\{-x\} \{-f=C:/file name/path\}\")

All Platforms

-nt or

Number of thread

Number of SMP threads per SPMD MPI domain.

(Example: radioss –i ROOTname_0000.rad –np 4 –nt 2)

All Platforms



Number of cpu threads for multi-domain process.

All Platforms


i, pl, ms

Specify which MPI software is used for multiprocessor (SPMD) run.

i =Intel MPI

pl = IBM Platform-MPI (formerly HP-MPI)

ms = Microsoft MPI

Note: An argument for –mpi is optional. If an argument is not specified, Intel MPI is used by default.

Not all platforms support all MPI software.

-np or -nspmd

Number of SPMD MPI domains

Number of RADIOSS SPMD MPI domains.

(Example: radioss –np 4 ROOTname_0000.rad)

All Platforms



Text file that list the hosts and number of cores for a multi-computer (node) run. See MPI document for exact format.

All Platforms



Spec file with some MPI for SPMD run.

All Platforms



Specify the path where mpirun is located.

(HyperWorks includes the MPI software so this typically is not needed).

All Platforms



Run simple test to verify if MPI is properly configured.

All Platforms



Use GPU enabled version of the solver.



Number of GPU

Set GPU device number. Use GPU enabled version of the solver (only for Linux 64-bit).

All Platforms



Required version of solver if multiple are installed. If not specified, newest version installed is used.

(Example: radioss –v 14.0.220 ROOTname_0000.rad)

All Platforms



Suffix for alternate solver version.

All Platforms



Specify to run a single precision version of RADIOSS.

All Platforms



Do not generate h3d file from RADIOSS animation files when the simulation has ended.

All Platforms



Checks version and build time information from RADIOSS.

All Platforms


.radopt FILE

Option to run RADIOSS optimization with OptiStruct. It specifies to request an optimization run for a RADIOSS input deck.

Note: The RADIOSS Starter and input files supporting the optimization input should be available in the same directory as the <name>.radopt file.

Refer to Design Optimization in the User’s Guide for more information.

All Platforms


1, 2

Output scripting debugging information.

All Platforms


1.If a Starter file name is given as input, ROOTname_0000.rad, then the Starter and every Engine file in the directory will be ran.
2.If an Engine file is given as input, ROOTname_0001.rad, the Engine file will be ran followed by any other Engine files in the directory.
3.To run only the given input file (Starter or Engine file), use the –onestep option.
4.Any arguments containing spaces or special characters must be quoted in {}, for example: -mpipath {C:\Program Files\MPI}. File paths on Windows may use backward "\" or forward slash "/" but must be within quotes when using a backslash "\".
5.The above arguments are processed by RADIOSS script and not by the actual executable. If you are developing internal scripts which use the executable directly, then you may get specific information about command line arguments are accepted by the executable by referring to RADIOSS Command Line Arguments for more information.