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SET/PSET (Not Recommended for use in 10.0 or Later Versions)

SET/PSET (Not Recommended for use in 10.0 or Later Versions)

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SET/PSET (Not Recommended for use in 10.0 or Later Versions)

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I/O Options and Subcase Information Entry

SET - Set Definition

PSET - Set Definition


The SET and PSET commands can be used in the I/O Options or Subcase Information section input deck to define sets of grids, elements, properties, or frequencies.


SET n = i1, i2, …, in

Integer sets are used for sets of grids, elements, modes, and design variables.

SET n = r1, r2, …, rn

Real value sets are used for frequencies or times.

SET n = i1, c1, i2, c2, …, in, cn

Sets of Gird/Component pairs are used for PFMODE data.

SET 24 = 12, T1, 15, R2, 128, T3

(alternatively 12/T1, 15/R2, 128/T3 is acceptable, see Guidelines for I/O Options and Subcase Information Entries).

PSET n = PID1, PID2, …, PIDn

Property identification numbers are used for property set definition.


1.Every SET must have a unique identification number, n, regardless of whether the SET is defined within a subcase or in the I/O Options section.  Also, a SET cannot have the same ID as a PSET or the bulk data entries SET, SET1, or SURF.
2.From 10.0 onwards, it is recommended to use the SET bulk data entry for set definitions.

See Also:

I/O Options Section

I/O Options by Function

The Input File