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Export Data

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The Export Data tab lets you generate a complete .gbs file for all directions and a PDF report as follows:



Select the Export Data tab and the following page appears:



The five main functions of this tab include:

hmtoggle_plus1greyExperiment Selection
A table on the Export Data tab lets you select a subset of reviewed data for creating a bushing. You can export only one bushing at a time.
A bushing is identified by its Application_Type attribute in the .spd file. All experiments in the Review tab with the matching Application_Type are populated in the top left table. If the Application_Type field is left blank, all data in the Review tab is loaded.
The average of the Dynamic Stiffness fit score and Loss Angle fit score is displayed in parenthesis.  You can use these scores to gauge the quality of the fit. The Application_Type for an Analyze operation is always blank.
Data in the experiment selection table is preloaded to minimize user interaction. Cells that have only one value are non-editable. When only one experiment and one cycle are loaded in the Review tab, all cells are non-editable.


hmtoggle_plus1greyActivity Table

The Activity Table defines the bushing stiffness and damping options that are active in the .gbs file. The table opens with default values loaded, which you can modify.

Note the following:

You can select only a single stiffness and a single damping model for each direction.
Models are grayed out when they are not valid for a certain direction.


hmtoggle_plus1greyStatic Properties

Representation of Static Data

MIT supports three equivalent but alternate representations for static data:

Spline Data: This is the data obtained from the static testing of the physical bushing. This data is copied from the input .spd file.
Conceptual Cubic: This is a cubic polynomial, based on the physical data that approximates the spline data. For more details, see: View Data.
Constant Stiffness: This value represents a linear fit to the spline data. For more details, see: View Data.


Static Properties

You can edit static data after selecting the Change Static Properties box. You can specify the data to be exported by selecting the radio buttons for any given direction.

The Conceptual Cubic data is calculated from the static data in the .spd file.
If no .spd file is available when the ANALYZE process is performed, then the conceptual cubic fields are non-editable and are excluded from the output .gbs file.
The Constant Stiffness and Damping default is 0.0 when no experiment or .spd file is available in a certain direction.
The Constant Damping default is assumed to be 0.1% of the Constant Stiffness.


Resetting Parameters

The Reset button lets you revert back any changes to the values of the static parameters to the original values.


hmtoggle_plus1greyOutput Units

You can specify the Units in which you wish to export an output .gbs file.  The MIT supports the following:


















The Export option lets you create a .pdf report that is encoded and embedded as part of a .gbs file. You can extract a .pdf report using the script: mit_decodeReport.py.

Shortcuts to Extract a PDF File from a GBS File    

The mit_decodeReport.py is a Python script that extracts a fit report from the .gbs file and outputs it as a .pdf file. To enable quick access to the mit_decodeReport.py, you can define shortcuts as follows:


Goto <HW_Installation>/utility/scripts/plotting/mit/batch/
Right-click mit_decodeReport.py, and then select Send to>Desktop.
A shortcut appears on your desktop. You can copy or move the shortcut as needed.


Use the ln -s command to create a symbolic link to <HW_Installation>/utility/scripts/plotting/mit/batch.
Note that Windows style path names with "\" are allowed.
Note that a path name with blanks is allowed provided the path name is enclosed in double quotes as follows: "C:\test directory\testName".


Command Summary

The Export Data options are:


-i  <gbs-file-name>

-o <output_directory>




The following are arguments for Export Data:



-i <gbs-file-name>

Specifies a .gbs file, generated by the MIT, that is to be provided as input to the script.

-o <output-file-name>

Specifies the name of the output .pdf file to be generated. When this argument is not specified, the prefix of the .pdf is obtained from the prefix of the inputd .gbs file.


Provides information about how to use this utility. Invoking mit_batch without any parameters also provides help content.



The following are examples of Export Data usage:

mit_decodeReport.py  –i C:/input.gbs

Decode the .gbs file, C:/input.gbs, and generate a .pdf file, C:/input.pdf, in the same directory where the .gbs file presents.


mit_decodeReport.py  –i C:/input.gbs   –o C:/output/rubber.pdf

Decode the .gbs file, C:/input.gbs, and generate a .pdf file, rubber.pdf, in the directory, C:/output.


mit_decodeReport.py  C:/input.gbs   –o C:/output/test

Decode the .gbs file, C:/input.gbs, and generate a .pdf file, test.pdf, in the directory, C:/output.


Note:  If python is not installed on your system, then include the location of HyperWorks python in your path as follows:


set PATH <HW_INSTALLATION>/hw/python/python27/win64;%PATH%


setenv PATH <HW_INSTALLATION>/hw/python/python27/linux64:$PATH

The system does not know that files with the .py extension are python files. Therefore,  invoke mit_decodeReport.py as follows:
python.exe mit_decodeReport.py -i C:/input.gbs –o C:/output.gbs
Windows style path names with “\” are allowed.
Blanks in paths are allowed inside of double quotes: “C:\test directory\testName”.
The default .xml file contains only MIT options. You cannot specify path names for input and output files in this file.


PDF with Logo and Copyright Information

You can include logo and copyright information in your .pdf report using a preference file. The contents of the preference file includes:




Steps to Include a Preference File in a .pdf

1.Create an ASCII file in a directory. You can name the file as you like, for example: mit_pdf_preferences.mvw.
2.Copy into the ASCII file the text in the figure above.
3.Specify the full path name for the logo file as a value for the variable logo_file.
4.Specify appropriate text to use as a value for the variable cright.
5.Save the file.
6.Set the value of the environment variable HW_CONFIG_PATH to the preference file name:

Bash shell: HW_CONFIG_PATH = “C:\Documents\utilities\ mit_pdf_preferences.mvw”

C Shell: setenv HW_CONFIG_PATH “/usr/fred/utilities/mit_pdf_preferences.mvw”

7.After you restart MIT, MIT exports a .pdf file containing the specified logo and copyright.