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HVVH-7000: Result Tab

HVVH-7000: Result Tab

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HVVH-7000: Result Tab

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In this tutorial you will learn how to:

Compare results from a single solver across two HyperView versions.

Step 1: Compare result from a Solver across different HV versions

1.From the Result tab, select the Result comparison HV versions tab.


2.For Solver type, select Hyper3D.
3.Leave Tolerance as default (1e-06).
4.Click HTML Report.
5.Under Current, set Version to 2017.
6.Under Reference, set Version to 14.130.
7.For Load Model, click the open file icon, hwd_bmp00005, to load the BOXBEAM.h3d, located in
8.For Load Result click the open file icon, hwd_bmp00005, to load the BOXBEAM.h3d, located in
9.For the Output directory field, use the open file icon, hwd_bmp00005, to select an output directory.
10.Click Apply.

The results available (Subcase, Simulation, and Result type) in the result file are loaded in their respective windows.


11.Select All under each window and click Apply.

Results comparison of the current results and reference results are generated.

12.In the Messages window, the run details are displayed along with the log file location.
13.In case the difference > tolerance, it is indicated as Fail, otherwise, they are shown to Pass.


14.Click HTML Report to open the report.  Across two HyperView versions, the solver  results are compared.  Comparison of different data types are available.  For example, for a vector (Displacement) all components Magnitude, X-displacement, Y-displacement, and Z-displacement are compared for the entire model and the results are shown.


15.Click Pass/Fail in the HTML report to open a detailed comparison report.
16.In the report above, the left window displays the diff contour (Current-Reference) and right window displays the diff plot in HyperGraph (see image below).
17.Click the left window to open the diff-values H3D in HyperView Player.
18.Click the right window to maximize/minimize the plot.
19.If there is any case of difference > tolerance, it is indicated as Fail, otherwise Pass.


Step 2: Result comparison for different solver results across two HyperGraph versions.

Result comparison for different solver results across two HyperGraph versions.

1.From the Result tab, select the Result comparison HG versions tab.


2.For Current version, select 2017.
3.For Reference version, select 14.130.
4.Click HTML Report.
5.For Data File, click the open file icon, hwd_bmp00005, to load the car.pch file, located in
6.For the Output directory field, use the open file icon, hwd_bmp00005, to select an output directory.
7.Activate the Plot only failed option.
8.Click Apply.


9.Select each All under the Type/Request/Component columns, and click the second Apply button.

A results comparison of the current results and reference results are generated.

10.In the Messages window, the run details are displayed along with the log file location.


11.Click HTML Report to open the report.  A comparison of different type, request, and component (TRC) is available for the same result file across two HyperGraph versions.


As the results match, the plots coincide and a difference curve will be a straight line along the X-axis, or points very close to it.

Step 3: HyperGraph Versions - Template-Session

In this step, results comparison for different solver results across two HyperGraph versions using template and session files.

2.From the Result tab, select the Compare HG Versions - Template-Session tab.


2.For Current version, select 2017.
3.For Reference version, select 14.130.
4.Click HTML Report.
5.For Data File, click the open file icon, hwd_bmp00005, to load the hg.mvw file, located in
6.For the Output directory field, use the open file icon, hwd_bmp00005, to select an output directory.
7.Activate the Plot only failed option.
8.Activate the Visible Only option.
9.Click Apply.


Plots that are available in the result file are listed.

10.Click Apply.

Results comparison of the current results and the reference results are generated.

11.In the Messages window, the run details are displayed along with the log file location.


12.Click HTML Report to open the report.  Comparisons of different type, request, and components (TRC) are available.


As the results match, the plots coincide and a difference curve will be a straight line along the X-axis, or points very close to it.