
Headers/Footers Panel - MediaView

Headers/Footers Panel - MediaView

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Headers/Footers Panel - MediaView

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From the Headers/Footers panel, you can add headers and footers to your video images, specify font colors, and access the Font dialog.  Video image headers are titles displayed at the top of a window, while video image footers are titles displayed at the bottom of a window.  Each video window can display a header and a footer.


Header tab on the Headers and Footers panel

Click on the corresponding tab to access video image headers and footers.



Header and Footer tabs

Titles for video image headers and footers are entered in the text box for Header and Footer.  Press Return to add new lines.


Different font attributes can be specified for each line of header or footer text.  There are three user-definable styles available:

Line 1 is the style assigned to the top line.

Line 2 is the style assigned to the middle line.

Line 3 is the style assigned to the third line and all lines thereafter.

After checking one or more line boxes, click the font button, font_button, to activate the Font Selector dialog. From the Font Selector dialog, you can change the font style, type, and size.  Use the color palette to specify the font color of the selected line.


Choose from Left, Center or Right.


Click Show to display the header or footer in the window.

How do I...

hmtoggle_plus1Add a two line title to a header:
1.Click the Header tab.
2.Click the Show button.
3.Type the first title in the text box.
4.Press ENTER.
5.Type the second title in the text box.
6.Select Line 1.
7.Select font_button and change the font attributes for the primary title.
8.Deselect Line 1.
9.Select Line 2.
10.Select font_button and change the font attributes for the secondary title.