Manufacturing Solutions

Meshing the Model

Meshing the Model

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Meshing the Model

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When you are satisfied with the geometry of your model, you can proceed to apply a mesh to the model’s surfaces. The Utility menu provides shortcuts to three types of meshing – standard meshing (Mesh macro), rigid tool surface meshing (R-Mesh macro), and tetrameshing (Tetramesh macro).

Rigid tool surface meshing creates quad/tria shell mesh that is ideal for representing rigid tool surfaces such as a die.

Use tetrameshing for the deformable parts of your model to attain the most accurate results.


How Do I…

expand-green-10Mesh the tools and billet
1.From the Model menu, select Global Parameters.
2.Click component= and then click the component you want to mesh from the list of available components in the panel.
3.Pick the surface you want to mesh.
4.From the Forging Utility menu, click the mesh type you want to perform: R-Mesh… (for rigid meshing), Mesh (for automeshing), or Tetramesh (for tetrameshing). Depending on the meshing macro you choose, you must supply meshing parameters in a panel or on a dialog that is ed.




See Also:

Modifying Model Geometry

Applying Material to the Parts

Defining Contact Interactions

Creating a Symmetry Plane

Defining the Tool Motion

Creating a Solver Input Deck (.key file)