MotionView User's Guide



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The (Magic Formula) MF-Tire models the longitudinal dynamics of a vehicle, keeping the axle, wheel and tire in contact with a road represented by the Magic Formula and optional deformation compliance.  Tire models apply forces and moments on wheel body so as to simulate a real tire forces and moments that tires apply on the vehicle.

The tire models MF-Tire and MF-Swift (Short Wavelength Intermediate Frequency Tire) can be used in vehicle dynamics simulations in all popular simulation packages to efficiently, and accurately, represent tire behavior for applications ranging from steady-state to complex high frequency dynamics.

Altair MotionView and MotionSolve support multiple tire models through the TNO defined interface.

With MF-Tire, you can simulate steady-state and transient behavior, making it a suitable tire model for:

Vehicle handling
Control prototyping
Rollover analysis

With MF-Swift, you can simulate tire dynamic behavior up to about 100 Hz, which is particularly useful for:

Vehicle comfort
Vehicle control prototyping, or
Vibration analysis

For this tire interface, the tire parameters and properties are set by a Tire Property File with the extension (.tir) while the road interface is described by a Road Property File with the extension (.rdf). Both of these property files are in the TeimOrbit file format. Example property files are provided in the MotionView installation at:

$(ALTAIR_HOME) \hw\mdl\autoentities\properties\Tires   < tire property file with .tir extension>

$(ALTAIR_HOME) \hw\mdl\autoentities\properties\Tires   < road property file with .rdf extension>

In addition to this, physical properties of the tire such as the unloaded radius, aspect ratio, width, mass, and moment of inertia’s need to be explicitly specified.


Select the Body to which the tire is to be attached, select the point that represents the wheel center, and select the two markers that set the orientation of the tire.



Body 1

The wheel body on which the tire forces act.

Point 1

The point corresponding to the wheel center.

Marker 1

The wheel reference marker which determines the direction in which the tire forces act.

Marker 2

The road reference marker, is the marker with respect to which the road is positioned and oriented for the simulation





The Auto MF-Tire Auto Entity can be added to a full vehicle model as a Single entity or as a Pair. The Pair entity, like other MotionView Pair entities, establishes two symmetric (left and right) Tire models about the X axis.


An additional option determines if the symmetry should be mapped from left to right or right to left.  Symmetry can be disabled for Auto MF-Tire Pairs.

Tire Geometry and Physical Parameters

Information about the tire physical tire properties such as unloaded radius, aspect ratio, width, mass, and moment of inertia need to be provided correctly.  These are specified in the panel in the section highlighted below:




Units [Model Units]

Unloaded radius

Distance between the WC and the contact point of tire in unloaded conditions.


Aspect ratio

Tire Sidewall profile aspect ratio.  Describes the sidewall height as a percentage of the tire section width.



Section width of the tire.


Tire mass

Mass of the tire.



Moment of Inertia of the tire (y-axis out of plane of tire).

Mass * Length2

Tire Models

The TNO interface implements two tire models:


The parameter PROPERTY_FILE_FORMAT in the MODEL section of the tire property file determines tire model used.  The User is expected to choose a compatible road model with the tire model chosen via the property file.

Sample Property Files:

hmtoggle_plus1MF Tire Model


FILE_TYPE                ='tir'

FILE_VERSION             =3.0

FILE_FORMAT              ='ASCII'


! FILE_NAME :         TNO_car205_60R15.tir

! TIRE_VERSION :      MF-Tyre/MF-Swift 6.1

! MF-TOOL TEMPLATE :  TNO_mfswift61          $Revision: 1.11 $


! Copyright TNO 2010




LENGTH                   ='meter'

FORCE                    ='newton'

ANGLE                    ='radians'

MASS                     ='kg'

TIME                     ='second'



FITTYP                   = 61                $Magic Formula Version number            

TYRESIDE                 ='Left'

LONGVL                   = 16.7              $Nominal speed        

VXLOW                    = 1                 $Lower boundary of slip calculation    

ROAD_INCREMENT           = 0.01              $Increment in road sampling

ROAD_DIRECTION           = 1                 $Direction of travelled distance





USER_SUB_ID              = 815

N_TIRE_STATES            = 4

USE_MODE                 = 114               $Tyre use mode switch (ADAMS only)

HMAX_LOCAL               = 2.5E-4            $Local integration time step (ADAMS only)

TIME_SWITCH_INTEG        = 0.1               $Time when local integrator is activated (ADAMS only)



UNLOADED_RADIUS          = 0.3135            $Free tyre radius        

WIDTH                    = 0.205             $Nominal section width of the tyre        

RIM_RADIUS               = 0.1905            $Nominal rim radius

RIM_WIDTH                = 0.152             $Rim width        

ASPECT_RATIO             = 0.6               $Nominal aspect ratio

$-------------------------------------------------operating conditions


INFLPRES                 = 220000            $Tyre inflation pressure

NOMPRES                  = 220000            $Nominal tyre inflation pressure



hmtoggle_plus1Example Road Model (uses the MSSTISUB Flat Road)



FILE_TYPE  =  'rdf'




! road data file for TNO_flat_road




LENGTH             = 'meter'

FORCE              = 'newton'

ANGLE              = 'radians'

MASS               = 'kg'

TIME               = 'sec'




FUNCTION_NAME = 'mssticsub::ROAD'

METHOD             = '2D'

ROAD_TYPE          = 'flat'



MU                 =   1.0      $ peak friction scaling coefficient

OFFSET             =     0      $ vertical offset of the ground wrt inertial frame

Output Requests

The Auto MF-Tire entity generates some standard output requests into the solver deck.  These requests track the tire kinematics and the tire forces generated by the tire model.




Radius OmegaActual OmegaFree

X – Deformed radius of the Tire.
Y – Actual Rotational speed of the tire.
Z – Rational Speed considering Unloaded radius.


LonSlip LatSlip IncAngle

X – Longitudinal Slip of the tire.
Y – Lateral Slip of the tire.
Z – Inclination angle of the tire.

In the ISO axis system.




Tire CP Forces
(W-Axis system)

Tire force and moments with reference to the ISO- Axis system at the tire contact patch.

Force &

Tire CP Forces
(SAE-Axis System)

Tire force and moments with reference to the SAE- Axis system at the tire contact patch.

Force &

LonSlip LatSlip IncAngle

X – Longitudinal Slip of the tire.
Y – Lateral Slip of the tire.
Z – Inclination angle of the tire.

In the SAE axis system.

[No Units]



Tire Hub Forces
(C-Axis System)

Tire force and moments with reference to the ISO axis system at the wheel center.

Force &

Contact Patch Location

X,Y,Z of the Contact Patch Location.


Hub Velocity

The translation and rotational velocities of the hub.

Length / time