MotionView User's Guide

Forces Panel - Connectivity Tab

Forces Panel - Connectivity Tab

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Forces Panel - Connectivity Tab

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The Connectivity tab on the Forces panel allows you to select the bodies and points to which a force is applied.  The type of action and direction of the force are specified with option menus.


Forces panel – Connectivity tab for a transrotational force

Forces can be action-only or action-reaction.  An action-only force only acts on body 1.  An action-reaction force exerts equal and opposite forces on body 1 and body 2.



Action only

create an action only force.

Action reaction

create an action-reaction force.



Body 1

select the body to which the action force is applied.

Body 2

select the body to which the reaction force is applied (action-reaction only).


select the point or points at which the force is applied.

Forces can be translational-only, rotational-only, transrotational, or they can act along a line-of-action.  You can also define a single-component-rotational force that is an action-reaction torque between two bodies around a specified axis.  Translational, rotational, and transrotational forces each require a reference coordinate system.



Ref Marker

specify the local reference frame of the force.

The magnitude of a force component can be defined using a constant value, math expression, or template expression.




apply a force that has only translational components.


apply a force that has only rotational components.


apply a force that has both translational and rotational components.

Scalar Force along Z axis of Ref frame

applies a translational force along the Z axis of the provided Reference Marker frame.  This option is only available for action only forces.

Scalar Force about Z axis of Ref frame

applies a rotational force along the Z axis of the provided Reference Marker frame.  This option is only available for action only forces.

Line Of Action

apply a line-of-action force between two points.  The force will only have components in the direction along the line connecting the two points.  This option is only available for action-reaction forces.

Single Comp

apply a single-component-rotational force between two bodies about a specified axis.  This option is only available for action-reaction forces.


Check the User-defined properties check box to activate the User-defined tab.  This allows you to override the component properties and then refer the force to a user subroutine.

Use explicit markers

Activate the Use explicit markers check box to specify forces between markers, instead of using bodies and points.  See the Note below.

Click DataSummary, data_summary_button, to view the Data Summary table for forces.

Note        Defining an action only force with explicit markers is exported to MotionSolve as a <Force_Vector_TwoBody statement.