MotionView User's Guide

MV-4020: Solver Neutral Modeling

MV-4020: Solver Neutral Modeling

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MV-4020: Solver Neutral Modeling

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MotionView provides a solver-neutral pre- and post- processing environment to facilitate working with other MBD solvers.

MotionView has the following solver interfaces:


MDL models can be exported to any of these solvers for analysis:

User can change the solver mode and then export the model to the particular solver.
User can register a script to run a solver from within MotionView. Refer to the Tip and Trick, "Start an ADAMS run from within MotionView" available on Altair’s website.
If the user needs to add any statement specific to the solver, Templex template can be used in the model. Refer to tutorial MV-4010 for some more details about the Templex template.
The results from these solvers can be post processed in MotionView.

Copy the folder named solver_neutral, located in the mbd_modeling\externalcodes folder, to your <working directory>.


Step 1: Loading a Solver-Neutral Model and Running Different Solvers.

1.Start a new MotionView session.
2.Copy the folder named solver_neutral, located in the mbd_modeling\externalcodes folder, to your <working directory>.
3.Load the file model.mdl.
4.From the SolverMode menu, confirm that MotionSolve is selected.
5.Click the RUN icon, run-24, on the Model-Main toolbar.
6.From the Main tab, specify your output filename as <working directory>\ms.xml.


7.Select the Simulation type: Transient.
8.Click Run.

MotionSolve is launched and completes the run.

9.From the SolverMode menu, select ADAMS.
10.From the Project Browser, under the Data Sets folder select Solution Options.


11.Review the Solution Options dataset.
12.You can enter the simulation parameters for the ADAMS solver into this table.
13.Click the RUN icon, run-24, on the toolbar.
14.Specify the output filename as <working directory>\adams.adm.


Do not complete the following steps without connecting the ADAMS solver to the RUN button.

For this tutorial, you can assume the ADAMS run is complete and go to
Step 2:  Comparing Solver Animations.

15.From the Script combo box, select the script ADAMS Executable.
16.Click the RUN button to start the simulation.

The ADAMS solver is launched and completes the run.

Step 2:  Comparing Solver Animations.

1.Click the Add Page icon, pageNew-24, on the Page Controls toolbar to add a new page to your session.
2.Select HyperView clientHyperView-24 from the Select Application drop-down menu.
3.Click the Page Layout, page_window_layout_icon, icon on the toolbar and select the three horizontal windows layout, pageLayout2Horizontal-24.
4.Load the following model and results files into the three windows:


Window 1

Window 2







5.Click the Start/Pause Animation icon, animationStart-24, on the Animation toolbar to animate the model.

Notice that if the same solver parameters are chosen, the results from different solvers are in-sync.

6.Click the Start/Pause Animation icon again, animationPause-24, to stop/pause the animation.