MotionView User's Guide

Throttle-off Turn-in

Throttle-off Turn-in

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Throttle-off Turn-in

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A Throttle-off turn-in event simulates the dynamics of a vehicle driving a constant radius turn at steady state,  the reaction of the vehicle due to a sudden removal of drive torque during the cornering event, and the reaction of the vehicle to a slowly applied ramp steer.  The event includes a short straight section to allow the vehicle to come to steady state, the constant radius circle, throttle removal, and the increasing ramp steer.  The event is designed to simulate a highway exit ramp maneuver with a decreasing radius turn on the exit ramp.  Appropriate vehicle and tire output requests are included.  A plot template is available to plot the results.

The event is similar to Throttle-off Cornering.


Throttle-off Turn-in Event


Top View of a Throttle-off Turn-in Event

Detailed Description

The Throttle-off turn-in event is designed to work with a full vehicle model that has been built through the MotionView Assembly Wizard.  The event should attach to the model automatically when added through the Task Wizard.  The event can be used with models built manually, as long as the attachment scheme in the event is strictly followed.

The following are inputs to the event:




Lateral Acceleration


The prescribed Lateral Acceleration that the vehicle will generate during the constant radius portion of the event.

Circle Radius


The radius of the circle that the vehicle CG will follow during the constant radius portion of the event.

Turn Direction

Left or Right

Direction the vehicle turns during the event (as seen by the driver).

Vehicle Velocity


Calculated speed that will generate the prescribed Lateral Acceleration at the defined circle radius.  Uses the equation:


Throttle Delay


The absolute time in the simulation that the throttle controller begins removing drive torque.

Throttle Duration


The length of time the throttle controller takes to completely remove the drive torque.

Steer Delay


The absolute time in the simulation that the steering angle begins to ramp.

Steer Ramp Rate


The rate the steering is increased in degrees/sec at the Steer delay time.

Step Size


The output data step size in seconds (if the number is .02, data is output every .02 seconds).

Ground Z Coordinate


Calculated location of the Ground z Coordinate (do not modify).

The following sequence is followed in the event:




Static Analysis


Model is solved for static analysis.

Post Static


Two joints holding the vehicle to ground are released; four motions fixing wheels to spindles are released.

Straight Drive

0->Turn in

Vehicle drives straight and attains steady state.

Turn In


Vehicle enters the constant radius corner.

Throttle Delay Time

Per the event input

The vehicle drive torque is ramped to zero over the Throttle duration time.

Steer Delay Time

Per the event input

Steering wheel angle is increased at the Steer ramp rate value to simulate a decreasing radius steer event.

Event End

Steer Delay Time +10 seconds

The event ends 10 seconds after the Steer delay time.  The end time can be edited in the event template if a different time is required.


Figure -Throttle-off turn-in

The event is designed to simulate a vehicle exiting a highway using a curved exit ramp with a decreasing radius.  The Throttle delay time is when the driver takes their foot off the throttle.  The Steer ramp time is when the decreasing radius begins.  You must sequence the event times and the Circle Radius to match the test conditions or the field conditions being simulated.  When simulated with our reference model, the event shows the lateral and fore-aft weight transfer expected in an event such as this.

The Lateral Acceleration, Circle Radius, Throttle delay and Throttle step duration, steer can be modified via the event data Form (shown below).  The Turn Direction can also be changed to turn left or right.  The Ground z Coordinate is a calculated value and should not be changed.

A Steer controller and a Drive torque controller are included in the event.  The Steer controller provides steering control to the vehicle.  The Drive torque controller maintains a constant speed using a drivetrain torque during the event, until the Throttle delay time, when the torque is ramped off.  Both controllers should be tuned to match the characteristics of the vehicle.  The controllers are contained in each event and as a result, need to be set for each event.


Throttle-off Turn-in Data Form

The entities of the event are displayed in the MotionView browser and are shown in the image below.


Project Browser View - Forms - Throttle-off Turn-in Analysis

Nine types of modeling element containers are used to define the event (see below).  Three subsystems (Output Requests, a Steer controller, and a Drive torque controller) are also included during the event.


The event uses the standard event attachment.  The attachments resolve automatically if the model is built through the Model Wizard.  The attachments contain the minimum data the event needs to run the analysis.  The attachments are standard for most events.


Throttle-off Turn-in Event – Attachments


One dataset is used in the system and it contains the data used to describe the event actions.  The event allows you to set the Lateral Acceleration, Circle Radius, Throttle delay, Throttle duration, Steer delay, Steer ramp rate and Step size.  The Turn Direction can be set to left or right, depending upon your requirements.  The initial Vehicle velocity, wheel rotational velocities and ground height are calculated values and should not be changed manually.


Project Browser View - Datasets - Throttle-off Turn-in Analysis


Dataset Property Data Dialog - Throttle-off Turn-in Analysis


The Form is the only place that you should change the Throttle-off turn-in event.  Lateral Acceleration, Circle Radius, Throttle delay, Throttle duration, Steer delay, Steer ramp rate and Step size are the parameters that can be changed.  The Turn Direction can be set to left or right, depending upon your requirements.  The Ground z Coordinate is a calculated value and is calculated using the left front wheel CG Z location and the tire rolling radius from the Tire Data Form.


Project Browser View - Forms - Throttle-off Turn-in Analysis


Throttle-off Turn-in Data Analysis - Form Dialog


One graphic is defined in the event.  The graphics define the road surface graphics and should not require any user input.

Skidpad graphics are included to illustrate the path being driven and are defined parametrically using the data in the Throttle-off turn-in Form.  Skidpad graphics should never require editing, unless the event is being fundamentally changed.


Project Browser View - Graphics - Throttle-off Turn-in Analysis


Skidpad Graphics


A ball joint is included in the Throttle-off turn-in event.  The joint attaches a dummy body to the steering rack.  The joint is included to make certain events work in ADAMS.  Attach the dummy body to the steering rack if building a model manually.


Project Browser View - Joints - Throttle-off Turn-in Analysis


Joints Panel - Throttle-off Turn-in Analysis


One marker is included in the Throttle-off turn-in event.  The path origin is the origin of skidpad graphics and is parametrically defined to be the CG of the vehicle body.  The markers refer to points and the points contain the parametric logic.


Project Browser View - Markers - Throttle-off Turn-in Analysis


Three motions are included in the event.  The steering motion is provided by the Steer controller and it acts on a revolute joint that connects the steering wheel to the vehicle body. If a steering column is not included in the model, the joint acts between the steering rack input shaft and the vehicle body.

The Front and Rear Wheel Motions act on the wheel spindle revolute joints that connect the wheel hub to the knuckle.  The motion is initially zero (fixing the wheels to the knuckle) so the model converges statically.  The motions are deactivated after static analysis to allow the tires to rotate during the dynamic analysis.


Project Browser View - Motions - Throttle-off Turn-in Analysis


Two points are defined in the event.  All points are used to create the skidpad graphics.  The points contain parametric logic to define their X, Y, and Z locations.  You should not need to modify any points.


Project Browser View - Points - Throttle-off Turn-in Analysis

hmtoggle_plus1Solver Variables

The Throttle-off turn-in consists of only one solver variable, the Steer Path Variable, which calls a user subroutine to apply an input at the steering wheel in order to follow the desired path.


Project Browser View - Solver Variables - Throttle-off Turn-in Analysis


Solver Variable Panel - Steer Path Variable

The numbers in the solver variable USER subroutine call are as follows:




The Branching ID.  5025 is a Throttle-off turn-in event.


The ID of a solver array containing Driver Model Controller data.  The array is in the Steer controller system.


The ID of a Vehicle Data Array containing vehicle information.  The array is in the Steer controller system


The value of the Circle Radius.


The Throttle delay value.


The value of the Steer ramp rate.


A template is included in the Throttle-off turn-in event task.  The template is solver specific and only the MotionSolve template is documented.  The template is inserted in the solver deck after the </Model> command and controls the execution of the event.


Project Browser View - Templates - Throttle-off Turn-in Analysis

The template for this event is shown below:


    angle_type          = "YPR"



    mrf_file            = "TRUE"



    plt_file            = "TRUE"



    switch_on           = "TRUE"

    increment           = "1"



    abf_file            = "TRUE"


{if (tire_dataset.opt_omega.ival ==1)}

<!--Initial static analysis -->



 analysis_type = "Static"

 end_time      = "0.0"





 element_type = "MOTION"

 element_id = "{mot_frnt_wheel.l.idstring}"



 element_type = "MOTION"

 element_id = "{mot_frnt_wheel.r.idstring}"



 element_type = "MOTION"

 element_id = "{mot_rear_wheel.l.idstring}"



 element_type = "MOTION"

 element_id = "{mot_rear_wheel.r.idstring}"


{if (tire_dataset.opt_omega.ival ==2)}

<!--Initial static analysis -->



 analysis_type = "Static"

 end_time      = "0.0"




 element_type = "JPRIM"

 element_id = "{j_clamp_1_body.idstring}"



 element_type = "JPRIM"

 element_id = "{j_clamp_2_body.idstring}"




    id                  = "{wh_motion.idstring}"

    expr                = "VARVAL({sv_path.idstring})"




    analysis_type       = "Transient"

    end_time            = "{ds.str_dly.value+10}"

    num_steps                 = "{(ds.str_dly.value+10)/ds.step.value}"




ISO 9816-2006 Passenger cars — Power-off reaction of a vehicle in a turn.