MotionView User's Guide

Using Tires with MotionSolve

Using Tires with MotionSolve

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Using Tires with MotionSolve

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In some cases where you have a full vehicle model in the MotionSolve xml format and you want to manually enable it to use tires, the following information will apply.

MotionSolve Input Deck

Given a tire and road property file you can setup a MotionSolve input deck to include a tire (assuming you have a full vehicle without tires to start with).

There is a collection of solver entities required to enable a tire model.  You can build up a vehicle model to utilize a tire model using the set of entities described below:

A set of required markers (Reference_Marker)
One wheel/tire body (Body_Rigid)
One revolute joint for wheel spin axis, or optionally a busing entity with very stiff rates in the non-spin direction and only damping in the spin direction (Constraint_Joint) or (Force_Bushing)
One force_vector_twobody of type "User" (Force_Vector_Twobody)
One reference_array (Reference_Array)
One string entity for .tir file (Reference_String)
One string entity for .rdf file (Reference_String)

A marker is required, located at the wheel center and attached to the ground body.  This is a floating marker that will stay superimposed on the marker used to define the tire force.  


    id                  = "11001020"

    label               = "Front Tire J Marker-left"

    body_id             = "30101"

    body_type           = "RigidBody"

    pos_x               = "1000."

    pos_y               = "-750."

    pos_z               = "1000."


A road reference marker is required to define the height of the road.  This marker is attached to ground.    


    id                  = "11001010"

    label               = "Road Reference Marker Front-left"

    body_id             = "30101"

    body_type           = "RigidBody"

    pos_x               = "0."

    pos_y               = "0."

    pos_z               = "680.03"


A marker is required for the action-reaction tire force.  It is attached to the wheel/tire body and oriented with the y axis along the spin axis.


    id                  = "11003020"

    label               = "Front Tire Force Reference-left"

    body_id             = "10403"

    body_type           = "RigidBody"

    pos_x               = "1000."

    pos_y               = "-750."

    pos_z               = "1000."

    a00                 = "-1."

    a10                 = "0."

    a20                 = "0."

    a02                 = "0."

    a12                 = "0."

    a22                 = "1."


The model must contain a wheel body and a revolute joint between the wheel body, and another part of the vehicle model.  The revolute joint should be aligned to represent the spin axis of the tire (see example below):

NoteA bushing can be used in place of the revolute joint, however this is rarely used.  


    id                  = "10403"

    label               = "Wheel-left"

    cg_id               = "10403010"

    im_id               = "10403010"

    lprf_id             = "10403001"

    mass                = "36."

    inertia_xx          = "1750000."

    inertia_yy          = "1750000."

    inertia_zz          = "1000000."

    v_ic_x              = "-24587.2"

    v_ic_y              = "0."

    v_ic_z              = "0."

    w_ic_x              = "0."

    w_ic_y              = "0."

    w_ic_z              = "-76.842204"

    v_ic_x_flag         = "TRUE"

    v_ic_y_flag         = "TRUE"

    v_ic_z_flag         = "TRUE"

    w_ic_flag           = "TRUE"



    id                  = "104002"

    label               = "Wheel spindle rj-left"

    type                = "REVOLUTE"

    i_marker_id         = "10404020"

    j_marker_id         = "10401020"


The input deck then requires a Force_Vector_TwoBody force (action-reaction force) of the type "User".  The usrsub_dll_name must be “mbdtire” and the usrsub_fnc_name must be “mbdtire”.  The parameters for the "USER" arguments are:

-par1:  The routing ID (not needed as long as fnc_name is"mbdtire").
-par2:  The ID of the Force_Vector_TwoBody.
-par3:  The ID of the Reference_Array used for the tire.
-par4:  In the case where co-simulation tire is used, this is the order of the interpolating polynomial between subsequent evaluation of forces at integrator convergence.  Set to 0 for zero order hold, or 1 for first order hold.


    id                  = "11001"

    label               = "Front tire force-left"

    type                = "ForceAndTorque"

    i_marker_id         = "11003020"

    j_floating_marker_id= "11001022"

    ref_marker_id       = "11001010"

    usrsub_param_string = "USER(408,11001,31000100,0)"

    usrsub_dll_name     = "mbdtire"

    usrsub_fnc_name     = "mbdtire"


Many of the required values for the tire are stored in the Reference_array from par3:


    id                  = "31000100"

    label               = "Front tire input array left"

    type                = "IC"

    num_element         = "7">

  0.0000000E+00   1.8000000E+01   0.0000000E+00   3.1000900E+05   3.1000100E+05   3.1001100E+05   3.1000500E+05


Num_element must be seven; however the only two that currently apply are element 5 and element 7 (the others are reserved for future use).

Element 5:  The ID of the string that contains the tire property file (see example below):


    id                  = "310001"

    label               = "Front left tire property file string"

    string              = "prop_files/ftire.tir"


Element 7:  The ID of the string that contains the road property file (see example below):


    id                  = "310005"

    label               = "Front left road property file string"

    string              = "prop_files/2d_road.rdf"


See Also:

Tire Modeling

Using Tires with the MotionView MDL Library

Coordinate Systems and Output Requests

Using Grasub (FTIRE only)