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ANSYS Convert to Special 2nd Order Macro

ANSYS Convert to Special 2nd Order Macro

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ANSYS Convert to Special 2nd Order Macro

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Models created for the ANSYS solver often contain second-order pyramid and tetra elements in which most sides contain "mid-side nodes". These types of elements exist in a transition layer between the first-order hexa and second-order tetra elements, as shown below.




Beginning in HyperMesh 8.0, these types of elements are supported and preserved in the model. HyperMesh can import:

Pyramid-shaped SOLID95 and SOLID92 elements with side edges containing mid-side nodes and bottom (base) edges that do not contain mid-side nodes
Tetrahedron elements with one or more edges that do not contain mid-side nodes
SOLID95 (special type)
SOLID187 (special type)

These special elements will be imported as full second-order elements, including mid-side nodes.

Imported full second-order elements are exported as special elements, thereby restoring the original element configuration. Similarly, special second-order elements created in HyperMesh are also exported as special second-order elements.

When you run the Convert to Special 2nd Order macro, a mesh matching is used to remove the mid-side nodes at the shared edges between these first and second order elements. Follow these steps to complete a full conversion:

1.Mesh the part for first-order with hexa or penta elements. Place these elements in a collector with the correct element type (SOLID45).
2.Mesh the mating volume with second-order tetra elements. Place this mesh in a separate component with the correct element type (SOLID95 or SOLID92).
3.Ensure that the two mesh patterns have a common layer with shared edges between.
4.From the ANSYS Tools page of the Utility menu, click the Convert to Special 2nd Order macro.
5.Select the first-order component from the drop-down menu that shares a common face with the second-order meshed component.
6.Select the second-order meshed component in the next drop-down menu and click apply. The special order elements are generated.
7.Export the file. Read it in the solver and check the elements.


The following images show examples of proper meshing for the above procedure.
