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Creating Collectors

Creating Collectors

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Creating Collectors

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All entities in an HM database are stored in collectors. Based on the assigned template, each collector may use a dictionary or card image to define the attributes assigned to the collector. The definitions contained in the dictionaries or card image are used to translate models to external analysis codes.

The various collector panels allow you to create and update collectors and assign and edit card images or dictionaries.

To create a collector

1.From the Collectors menu, select Create and select the type of collector you wish to create.
2.Click name = and enter a name for the collector.
3.Click the switch under creation method:.
Select no card image if you do not want to assign a card image.
Select card image and then click card image = to select the card image from a list.
Select same as and then click same as = to select the collector whose type and card image information you want to copy from an existing collector.
4.Fill in the rest of the fields and click create to create the collector, or click create/edit to create the collector and immediately edit the card image.



See Also:

General Process for Building Models

Assemblies collector panel

Components collector panel

Materials collector panel

Properties collector panel

Load panel collector panel

System collector panel

Vector collector panel

Beamsection collector panel

Multibody collector panel