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Creating Geometry

Creating Geometry

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Creating Geometry

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There are many different ways to create geometry which include importing from external CAD models, as well as creating new geometry from scratch.  The methods used to create a particular geometry depend on both the entities available for input and the level of detail required. The following methods are available for creating geometry:

xyz - Creates by specifying (x,y,z) coordinates (Nodes panel).
on geometry - Creates at graphically selected locations on points, lines, surfaces and planes (Nodes panel).
arc center - Creates nodes at the center of the arc that best approximates the input set of nodes, points or lines (Nodes panel).
extract parametric - Creates nodes at parametric locations on lines and surfaces (Nodes panel).
extract on line - Creates evenly spaced or biased nodes on a selection of lines (Nodes panel).
interpolate nodes - Creates evenly spaced or biased nodes by interpolating between existing nodes in space (Nodes panel).
interpolate on line - Creates evenly spaced or biased nodes by interpolating between existing nodes on a line (Nodes panel).
interpolate on surface - Creates evenly spaced or biased nodes by interpolating between existing nodes on a surface (Nodes panel).
intersect - Creates nodes at the intersection of geometric entities: lines/lines, lines/surfaces, lines/solids, lines/planes, vector/lines, vector/surfaces, vector/solids and vector/plane (Nodes panel).
temp nodes - Creates nodes by duplicating existing nodes or creating nodes on existing geometry or elements (Temp Nodes panel).
circle center - Creates nodes at the center of the circle defined by exactly three nodes (Distance panel).
duplicate - Creates nodes by duplicating existing nodes.  This is available in many panels when the "duplicate" advanced entity selector is available on a nodes input collector.
on screen - Creates nodes by pre-selecting existing geometry or elements and clicking on the locations to create the nodes.  This is available in any panel that has a node or node list input collector (Picking nodes on geometry or elements).
Misc. API commands that do not have an associated panel.
hmtoggle_plus1greyFree Points
xyz - Creates free points by specifying (x,y,z) coordinates (Points panel).
arc center - Creates at the center of the arc that best approximates the input set of nodes, points or lines (Points panel).
extract parametric - Creates free points at parametric locations on lines and surfaces (Points panel).
intersect - Creates free points at the intersection of geometric entities: lines/lines, lines/surfaces, lines/solids, lines/planes, vector/lines, vector/surfaces, vector/solids and vector/plane (Points panel).
suppressed fixed points - Creates free points at suppressed fixed point locations (Point Edit panel).
circle center - Creates free points at the center of the circle defined by three free or fixed points (Distance panel).
duplicate - Creates free points by duplicating existing free or fixed points.  This is available in many panels when the "duplicate" advanced entity selector is available on a points collector.
Misc. API commands that do not have an associated panel.
hmtoggle_plus1greyFixed Points
by cursor - Creates fixed points at cursor locations on surfaces and surface edges (Point Edit panel, Quick Edit panel).
on edge - Creates fixed points at uniform locations on a surface edge (Point Edit panel, Quick Edit panel).
on surface - Creates fixed points at existing node/free point locations on/near a surface (Point Edit panel).
project - Creates fixed points on surface edges by projecting existing free or fixed points (Point Edit panel, Quick Edit panel).
defeature pinholes - When defeaturing pinholes, fixed points are created at the center of the each removed pinhole (Defeature panel).
Misc. API commands that do not have an associated panel.
xyz - Create lines by specifying (x,y,z) coordinates (Lines panel).
linear nodes - Creates linear lines between nodes (Lines panel).
standard nodes - Creates standard lines between nodes (Lines panel).
smooth nodes - Creates smooth lines between nodes (Lines panel).
controlled nodes - Creates controlled lines between nodes (Lines panel).
drag along vector - Creates lines by dragging nodes a specified distance along a vector (Lines panel).
arc center and radius - Creates arcs by specifying the center and radius (Lines panel).
arc nodes and vector - Creates arcs by specifying two nodes and a vector (Lines panel).
arc three nodes - Creates arcs by specifying three nodes on the circumference (Lines panel).
circle center and radius - Creates circles by specifying the center and radius (Lines panel).
circle nodes and vector - Creates circles by specifying two nodes and a vector (Lines panel).
circle three nodes - Creates circles by specifying three nodes on the circumference (Lines panel).
conic - Creates conic lines by specifying the start, end and tangent locations (Lines panel).
extract edge - Creates lines as copies of surface edges (Lines panel).
extract parametric - Creates lines at parametric locations on surfaces (Lines panel).
intersect - Creates lines at the intersection of geometric entities: plane/lines, plane/surfaces, plane/elements, plane/plane and surfaces/surfaces (Lines panel).
manifold - Creates linear and smooth lines on surfaces using nodes (Lines panel).
offset - Creates lines by offsetting lines a uniform or variable distance (Lines panel).
midline - Creates lines by interpolating between existing lines (Lines panel).
fillet - Creates fillet lines between free lines (Lines panel).
tangent - Creates tangent lines between a line and a node list or line (Lines panel).
normal to geometry - Creates lines perpendicular to lines, surfaces and solids from node or point locations (Lines panel).
normal from geometry - Creates lines perpendicular from node or point locations on lines, surfaces and solids (Lines panel).
normal 2D on plane - Creates lines that lie on a plane, are perpendicular to a line, and are defined from node or point locations (Lines panel).
features - Creates lines from element features (Lines panel).
duplicate - Creates lines by duplicating existing lines.  This is available in many panels when the "duplicate" advanced entity selector is available on a lines collector.
Misc. API commands that do not have an associated panel.
square - Creates two dimensional square surface primitives (Surfaces panel, Planes panel).
cylinder full - Creates three dimensional full cylinder surface primitives (Surfaces panel, Cones panel).
cylinder partial - Creates three dimensional partial cylinder surface primitives (Surfaces panel, Cones panel).
cone full - Creates three-dimensional full cone surface primitives (Surfaces panel, Cones panel).
cone partial - Creates three-dimensional partial cone surface primitives (Surfaces panel, Cones panel).
sphere center and radius - Creates three dimensional sphere surface primitives by specifying the center and radius (Surfaces panel, Spheres panel).
sphere four nodes - Creates three-dimensional sphere surface primitives by specifying four nodes (Surfaces panel, Spheres panel).
sphere partial - Creates three dimensional partial sphere surface primitives (Surfaces panel, Spheres panel).
torus center and radius - Creates three dimensional torus surface primitives by specifying the center, normal direction, minor radius and major radius (Surfaces panel, Torus panel).
torus three nodes - Creates three dimensional torus surface primitives by specifying three nodes (Surfaces panel, Torus panel).
torus partial - Creates three dimensional partial torus surface primitives (Surfaces panel, Torus panel).
spin - Creates surfaces by spinning lines or a node list around an axis (Surfaces panel, Spin panel).
drag along vector- Creates surfaces by dragging lines or a node list along a vector (Surfaces panel, Drag panel).
drag along line - Creates surfaces by dragging lines or a node list along a line (Surfaces panel, Line Drag panel).
drag along normal - Creates surfaces by dragging lines along their normal (Surfaces panel).
ribs- Creates and modifies simple ribs between two surfaces (Ribs panel).
ruled - Creates surfaces by interpolating linearly between lines or nodes (Surfaces panel, Ruled panel).
spline/filler - Creates surfaces by filling in gaps, such as a hole in an existing surface (Surfaces panel, Spline panel, Quick Edit panel).
skin - Createssurfaces by skinning lines (Surfaces panel, Skin panel).
fillet - Creates constant radius fillet surfaces across surface edges (Surfaces panel).
from FE - Creates surfaces that closely fit a selection of shell elements (Surfaces panel).
meshlines - A toolkit for creating lines associated to shell elements for advanced selection or surface creation (Surfaces panel).
auto midsurface - Creates midsurface geometry automatically from multiple surfaces or solids (Midsurface panel).
surface pair - Creates midsurface geometry from one surface pair (Midsurface panel).
duplicate - Creates surfaces by duplicating existing surfaces.  This is available in many panels when the "duplicate" advanced entity selector is available on a surfaces collector.
Misc. API commands that do not have an associated panel.
block - Creates three dimensional block-shaped solid primitives (Solids panel).
cylinder full - Creates three dimensional full cylinder solid primitives (Solids panel).
cylinder partial - Creates three dimensional partial cylinder solid primitives (Solids panel).
cone full - Creates three dimensional full cone solid primitives (Solids panel).
cone partial - Creates three dimensional partial cone solid primitives (Solids panel).
sphere center and radius - Creates three dimensional sphere solid primitives by specifying the center and radius (Solids panel).
sphere four nodes - Creates three dimensional sphere solid primitives by specifying four nodes (Solids panel).
torus center and radius - Creates three dimensional torus solid primitives by specifying the center, normal direction, minor radius and major radius (Solids panel).
torus three nodes - Creates three dimensional torus solid primitives by specifying three nodes (Solids panel).
torus partial - Creates three dimensional partial torus solid primitives (Solids panel).
bounding surfaces - Creates solids by converting closed surface shells which define the solid boundary (Solids panel).
spin - Creates solids by spinning surfaces around an axis (Solids panel).
drag along vector - Creates solids by dragging surfaces along a vector (Solids panel).
drag along line - Creates solids by dragging surfaces along a line (Solids panel).
drag along normal - Creates solids by dragging surfaces along their normal (Solids panel).
ribs- Creates and modifies simple ribs between two surfaces (Ribs panel).
ruled linear - Creates solids by interpolating linearly between surfaces (Solids panel).
ruled smooth - Creates solids by interpolating smoothly between surfaces (Solids panel).
duplicate - Creates solids by duplicating existing solids.  This is available in many panels when the "duplicate" advanced entity selector is available on a solids collector.
Misc. API commands that do not have an associated panel.