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ANSYS ET Type Macro

ANSYS ET Type Macro

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ANSYS ET Type Macro

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The ET Type macro creates HyperMesh card images for ANSYS element types.


The ET Type macro dialog displays the ET type identification number, the element type name, and the key option values for each element type. From this macro dialog, you can create card images for any element type that HyperMesh supports, view existing ET types along with their reference numbers and key options, edit existing element types, or delete element types.

Rows can be sorted by ET Type name, ID and the element type column.

The following buttons are available on the ET Type macro dialog:


Provides information about the macro.


Opens the Create ETType dialog, from which you can specify an element reference number and key options for a new element type and create it.


Opens the Edit ETType dialog, from which you can review and change the reference number and key options for an existing element type that is selected in the table.


Allows you to export the table in .csv format


Refreshes the HyperMesh database with changes you made through the HyperMesh panels.


Deletes the element type(s) that is selected in the table.


Closes the ET Type macro dialog.

Right-clicking on a row displays a context sensitive menu with the option to delete unused ET types. Selecting this option can help you clean up your model by deleting unused ET types.


You can also edit element types, edit key options, and delete element types from the menu that appears when you right-click in the table when a row/element type is selected.



See Also:

ANSYS Utility Menu

ANSYS Interface Overview