Engineering Solutions

on plane subpanel

on plane subpanel

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on plane subpanel

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Use the On Plane panel, which is accessed on the extended entity selection menu, to select entities that are on or touch a plane.  You can select nodes, elements, components, lines, surfaces, points, and contactsurfs that are on a plane within a given tolerance.

You can also select entities that are on a vector normal to a plane (at the base point).

When selecting nodes or elements on a plane (plane toggle), Engineering Solutions determines the plane and selects all the nodes or elements that are within a given tolerance from that plane.  All components whose elements are on the plane can be found.  You can also find lines or surfs that simply touch the plane, or those that are entirely on the plane (within tolerance).

When selecting entities on the normal to plane, Engineering Solutions determines a normal vector at the base point selected and then finds all the entities that are within the tolerance of that vector.


Subpanels and Inputs

There are no subpanels on the On Plane panel. All inputs and command buttons are located on the main panel.


Panel Inputs



(plane and vector selector

Use the standard plane and vector selector to define the plane.  Entities within the tolerance= value of this plane will be selected in the entity selector from which the panel was accessed.

tolerance =

This defines the distance that entities are permitted to be from the defined plane and still be selected.  Entities beyond this distance will not be selected.

plane / normal of plane

This determines whether the selection is bi-directional or not:

When set to plane, entities within the tolerance distance in either the positive or negative normal side of the plane will be selected.
When set to normal of plane, only entities on the positive normal side of the plane will be selected.


Command Buttons

The following action buttons appear:




Creates the new objective entity.


Updates the selected objective entity.


Click this to populate the fields with data:

If the problem is a min or max problem the objective is displayed in the response = field.
If the problem is a minmax or maxmin problem, click dobjrefs to see which dobjrefs are selected (they will be highlighted in the model).


Exit the panel.

See Also:

Alphabetical List of Panels