Engineering Solutions

OptiStruct Interface

OptiStruct Interface

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OptiStruct Interface

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This section describes the OptiStruct user profile with the input translator, output template and summary templates. OptiStruct writes result files directly. No result translator is needed. OptiStruct is treated as a card image code.    

Follow these guidelines when creating a model for use with the OptiStruct user profiles:

The OptiStruct user profile is designed to support Altair OptiStruct, version 14.0, although several entries are unsupported.  
Elements of different types (solids, shells, bars, and so on) should be organized into separate components.  This is most important for shell and solid elements where the component card image contains the referenced property definition.
On importing an input file:
-The interface requires that continuation cards follow the referencing card. An error message is issued if the continuation card does not follow the referencing card.
-Warnings and error messages are displayed in an Import Process Messages pop-up window and are also written to a file in the current run directory called optistruct.msg.
-If a line in the input file that is not a continuation line and starts with a keyword that is not recognized or supported, then the entire card gets written to the appropriate unsupported card section (CTRL_UNSUPPORTED_CARD, SUBCASE_UNSUPPORTED or BULK_UNSUPPORTED_CARD).  Also, if the name of a PARAM or DOPTPRM entry is unrecognized, it is stored as an UNSUPPORTED_PARAM or UNSUPPORTED_DOPTPRM, respectively.
-If the continuation line for a supported card is formatted incorrectly or if a certain feature for a recognized keyword is not supported, then the corresponding line gets written to the .hmx file.
The bulk data input translator supports free, fixed and large field formats.
Two templates are available for export and viewing (editing) OptiStruct cards. The optistruct template outputs all cards in single precision, fixed format. The optistructlf template outputs System, Grid, Element, Load, Subcase, Property, and Material cards in fixed, double precision (Long) format.
HyperMesh reads and writes certain HyperMesh commands to the OptiStruct input files as comments.  These comment cards enable the preservation of pre-defined preferences across sessions.  It is strongly suggested that you do not hand edit these cards.
All settings necessary to interface with OptiStruct can be loaded by their respective user profiles.    



See Also:

Model browser

Solver browser

Connector browser

Include Files

Using the OptiStruct Utility menu

Supported OptiStruct Keywords

Solver Conversion