Engineering Solutions

Parts entityPart-24

Parts entityPart-24

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Parts entityPart-24

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Note:In the NVH user profile Parts are referred to as Modules.

A part represents and organizes subsystems of a physical part into a hierarchal data structure, which reflects the data structure of the product being modeled. Parts can be created, edited, and deleted in the Part browser, or imported into Engineering Solutions from the Import browser. To create a part, right-click in the Part browser and select Create > Part from the context menu.

Parts can be organized into a part assembly in the Part browser. A part can only contain components.

The current part is shown in the status bar and is also bold in the Part browser.  Set the current part by right-clicking on a part in the Part browser and selecting Make Current from the context menu.

Parts have a display state, on or off, which controls its display in the graphics area. The display state of a part can be controlled using the icons next to the part in the Part browser.

Parts also have an active state, which controls its display state. If a part is active, then its display state is available to be turned on or off in the Part browser. If a part is inactive, then its display state is turned off.



See Also:

HyperMesh Entities & Solver Interfaces