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Sewing Tools

Sewing Tools

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Sewing Tools

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Use this tool to connect two dissimilar 2D shell meshes using RBE3 connection. If the nodes are really close to each other within a tolerance they will snap without creating the RBE3 connection.                        

1.Select the global finite element model (GFEM). The free edges that need to be connected will be displayed.
2.Select the detailed finite element model (DFEM). The free edges that need to be connected will be displayed. The Height and Node Snap tolerances will automatically be calculated. You can change these.    
3.Click Sew. This will connect the 2D shell meshes using RBE3 connection.
Note:Height is the cordial height difference between GFEM and DFEM models. RBE3 is not created if the height is more than the height tolerance that you provide. Global finite element models are coarse FE models with shell and beam elements for internal loads calculation. Detailed finite element models are fine models, mostly with shells and solids with finer mesh for detail strength calculation.



Coarse (GFEM) and fine (DFEM) mesh  


RBE3 connection only on the two free edges of the GFEM and DFEM element sets


See Also:

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