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Aerospace Menu

Aerospace Menu

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Aerospace Menu

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The following tools are available via the Aerospace menu, which is a useful utility to build and view aerospace models. The menu has minor modifications depending on the solver that is loaded.  


Opens the following tools: Assembly from CSV, Module from CSV, and organizing Aerospace components.  


Opens the Midsurface modeling (Midsurface Mesh dialog) tool.    


Opens the Beams from lines, Beam Sections from CSV and Beam Auto Property tools.  


Opens the following tools: PCOMP from CSV, Ply Geometry Smoothening, Ply Auto Rename, FE Absorb Plies, Material Orientation and Shell To Solid Conversion.


Opens the PLOAD1 Create and Review, Map Force and Mass, Line loads, RSpline and Transformation Tool. The Transformation Tool is also available by clicking Tools > Transformation Tool.        


Opens the Fastener setup and Sewing Tools.

Spatial ID Manager

Opens the Spatial Renumbering tool.


Opens the Orientation Review tool. This tool is also available by clicking Tools > Orientation Review.  


Opens the Matrix browser and Results Explorer. The Matrix browser is also available by clicking Tools > Matrix Browser.


Allows you to input and save files.