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User Control panel

User Control panel

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User Control panel

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This User Control panel is a special panel is only accessible via a button inside of the map to geom panel, when the map type is any of the linear methods (map to line, node list, plane, surface, elements, or equation).  It provides additional inputs to further refine your mapping operation.


Panel Usage

The user control panel does not include any subpanels, but its layout changes dynamically depending on the options chosen.


You can complete inputs in any order, but since the available inputs can change depending on the inputs already chosen, it is best to work from left to right to avoid negating any settings you've already made if an "earlier" input setting changes the options for inputs you have already selected.



In the following example the User Control panel is used to map a mesh to a surface with a single mapping operation. First the 2D domain, the surface, and the mapping direction are selected. Then the user control button is clicked. Inside the user control panel the four edge domains are mapped to the four lines around the surface one by one using the fit to line option. When all four domains have been placed, the map button is clicked and the 2D domain is mapped to the surface.

Note:This operation can be performed in one button click using the fit to target option for domains to surfaces. However, if the automatic placement of handles and edge domains using that method are not satisfactory, you can use this manual approach instead.



Subpanels and Inputs

There are no subpanels on the User Control panel. All inputs and command buttons are located on the main panel.


Panel Inputs



(map to what switch)

When place edge is chosen, this switch allows you to pick from several options of entities to map the chosen edge domains to:

map to node list: pick a number of nodes in a more or less linear fashion.  The edge will domain be mapped to this string of nodes.
map to lines: pick a line list from the model geometry.  The edge domain will be mapped to those lines.
map to plane: use the standard plane and vector selector to define a plane.  The edge domain will be projected to that plane at the specified base node.
map to surfaces: pick one or more surfs from the model geometry.  The edge domain will be mapped to those surfaces.
map to elements: Select a group of elems from the model.  The edge domain will be mapped to those elements.


When place 2D domains is chosen, this switch allows you to pick from several options of entities to map the chosen 2D domains to:

map to plane: use the standard plane and vector selector to define a plane. The 2D domains will be projected to that plane at the specified base node.
map to surfaces: pick one or more surfs from the model geometry.  The 2D domains will be mapped to those surfaces.
map to elements: select a group of elems from the model.  The 2D domains will be mapped to those elements.

new location:

This node selector displays when place handle is chosen.  Use it to specify the new location for the selected handle.

normal to geom / along vector

When using place edge in conjunction with map to plane, map to surfaces, or map to elements, this toggle replaces the normal to geom / along vector / fit to line switch.

When using place 2D domains in conjunction with map to plane, this toggle replaces the normal to geom / along vector / normal to elems / fit to target selector.

Use this toggle to determine the direction that the mapping occurs.  If you choose along vector, use the standard plane and vector selector to define the desired vector.

normal to geom / along vector /
fit to line

When using place edge in conjunction with map to node list or map to lines, this switch replaces the the normal to geom / along vector toggle.

Use this switch to determine the direction that the mapping occurs.

If you choose along vector, use the standard plane and vector selector to define the desired vector.

normal to geom / along vector / normal to elems /
fit to target

When using place 2D domains in conjunction with map to surface or map to elems, this toggle replaces the normal to geom / along vector toggle.

Use this selector to determine the direction that the mapping occurs.

If you choose normal to geom, the nodes for the 2D domains are mapped normal to the target geometry.
If you choose along vector, use the standard plane and vector selector to define the desired vector.
If you choose normal to elems, the nodes of the 2D domains are mapped normal to the target surfaces or elements.
If you choose fit to target, the edges of the 2D domains are morphed to fit the target surfaces or elements and then the interior nodes are mapped normal to the target geometry.

place handle /
place edge

Use this toggle to specify the type of entity to place--a morphing handle, or an edge domain.

Change the selector to place handle, select handles one by one, and place them at nodes where you want the handle to move during mapping.  Use the reject button to undo handle placement.
Note:Only the latest handle placement may be rejected.
Change the selector to place edge and select edge domains one by one and map them to a line, node list, plane, surfaces, or elements.  Use the place button instead of the map button to place each edge domain. Use the reject button to undo edge placement.
Note:Only the latest edge placement may be rejected.

trailing handles

Select any desired trailing handles.  Trailing handles are not directly mapped, but will follow after handles that are.


Command Buttons

The following action buttons appear:




Discard all created entities, undoing all related morph actions in the process.


Perform the mapping, moving the selected entities in accordance with all specified input data.


This button displays when the place handle / place edge toggle is set to place edge.

Use the place button instead of the map button to place each 2D domain.


Use the reject button to undo domain placement.

Note:Only the latest domain placement may be rejected.


Exit the user control panel and return to the map to geom panel.