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View Controls Toolbar

View Controls Toolbar

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View Controls Toolbar

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The View Controls toolbar contains functionality for dynamic manipulating of the model view in the graphics area using standard mouse controls: Click, Hold, Drag and Release.


The View Controls toolbar can be turned on and off by clicking View > Toolbars > View Controls. The detailed behavior of each icon is described in the table below.




LEFT Behavior


RIGHT Behavior


Zoom In

Left-click icon to zoom in by zoom factor. Zoom factor can be changed from Options > Geometry panel.

Zoom Out

Right-click icon to zoom out by zoom factor. Zoom factor can be changed from Options > Geometry panel.


Circle Zoom

Left-click icon; Left-click and hold in graphics area to draw a circle around the portion of the model to zoom in on; Release to perform the action. Circle zoom is a one time action, however you can exit circle zoom at any time by right-click or move mouse off graphics area.

Dynamic Zoom

Right-click icon; Right-click and hold in graphics area to drag mouse up (zoom out) or drag mouse down (zoom in); Release to stop zooming.  Above steps can be repeated as long as you do not exit the mode.  Exit the mode at any time by left-click or move the mouse off the graphics area.


Dynamic Rotate

Left-click icon; Middle click node/point in graphics area to define the center of rotation (optional), Left-click and hold in graphics area to dynamically rotate the model about defined center or rotation; Release to stop rotating.  Above steps can be repeated as long as you do not exit the mode. Exit the mode at any time by right-click or move the mouse off the graphics area.

Dynamic Spin

Right-click icon; Middle click node/point in graphics area to define the center of rotation (optional), Right-click and hold in graphics area to dynamically spin the model about defined center or rotation; Release to stop rotating.  Above steps can be repeated as long as you do not exit the mode.  Exit the mode at any time by right-click or move the mouse off the graphics area.



Left-click icon; Left-click and hold in graphics area to pan the model; Release to stop panning. Above steps can be repeated as long as you do not exit the mode. Exit the mode at any time by right-click or move the mouse off the graphics area.

Center Model

Right-click icon; Right-click node/point in graphics area to center the model at that point.  Above steps can be repeated as long as you do not exit the mode.  Exit the mode at any time by left-click or move the mouse off the graphics area.


Rotate Left

Left-click icon to rotate the model view left about an imaginary vertical axis in the middle of the graphics area.

Rotate Right

Right-click icon to rotate the model view right about an imaginary vertical axis in the middle of the graphics area.


Rotate Up

Left-click icon to rotate the model view up about an imaginary horizontal axis in the middle of the graphics area.

Rotate Down

Right-click icon to rotate the model view down about an imaginary horizontal axis in the middle of the graphics area.


Rotate Clockwise

Left-click icon to rotate the model view clockwise about an imaginary axis coming out of the graphics area.

Rotate Counter Clockwise

Right-click icon to rotate the model view counter clockwise about an imaginary axis coming out of the graphics area.




See Also:
