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Visualization Controls

Visualization Controls

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Visualization Controls

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The Visualization Controls tab allows you to change many of the visual states. This is accessed from the Visualization toolbar, using this icon visualization-24.

There are nine different types of visualization controls: Connectors, Constraints, Equations, Loads, Morphing, Systems, Tags, Topology and Vectors. Many of these options previously existed in several different panels but now are easily accessible in one location.  

hmtoggle_plus1greyConnectors entityConnectors-16



Connector size

Controls the display size (in model units) of the connectors in the graphics area.

Color by

Controls how connectors are color-coded in the graphics area. The colors for these options cannot be changed, but each radio button activates a separate color by scheme: State, Layer, Style or Component.

Schemes and their corresponding color items include:

State – Realized, Unrealized and Failed
Layer - < 2t, 2t, 3t, > 3t
Style – Apply mass, area, bolt, seam, spot
Component - Connectors are colored based on the color of the component they exist in.


Only connectors that match the checked boxes are shown in the graphics area. Clearing a check box removes connectors that match that criteria from the display. Any combination of check boxes may be used at a time.

hmtoggle_plus1greyConstraints entityLoadsConstraints-16



Constraint labels

Shows or hides the labels on constraint entities.

Constraint size

Controls the display size (in model units) of constraint entities in the graphics area.

hmtoggle_plus1greyEquations entityEquations-16



Equation handles

Option to show/hide handles on equations.

hmtoggle_plus1greyLoads entityLoads-16



Template labels (type)

Controls whether template-specific labels or generic HM labels are used for loads displayed in the graphics area.

Load labels

Shows or hides labels on load entities (forces, moments, pressures, accelerations, velocities, temperatures, fluxes).

Load size

Controls the display size (in model units) of load entities in the graphics area. This includes options for Magnitude % (which uses the magnitude of the load to determine the size) and Uniform, which applies a constant size.

hmtoggle_plus1greyMorphing entityDomains-16



Handle size

Controls the display size (in model units) of morphing handles in the graphics area.

Symmetry size

Controls the display size (in model units) of morphing symmetries in the graphics area.


Controls how morphing domains, faces, volumes and symmetries are color-coded in the graphics area. Clicking one of the color boxes brings up a color selector for changing the color.

Morph volume edges, Edge points

This value determines how many points each morph volume edge uses to represent curves. Use larger numbers for smoother curves, or smaller numbers for faster rendering.

Morph volume faces

Use these options to choose how Engineering Solutions draws the flat faces of morph volumes:

Wireframe means that the face has no color at all; only the morph volume edges and handles are drawn.
Transparent (one, two, or three) means that the faces are drawn semi-opaque; higher numbers mean more opacity.
Opaque sets the morph volumes’ transparency to zero.
hmtoggle_plus1greySystems entitySystems-16



System size

Controls the display size (in model units) of the systems in the graphics area.

hmtoggle_plus1greyTags entityTags-16



Push tags to foreground

When activated, all of the active tags will be pushed to the foreground. If the entity the tag is attached to can be seen on the screen, the tag will be seen as well. If the entity cannot be seen on the screen, the tag will be hidden completely.            

Tag text

Determines what text associated with the tag displays in the graphics area. Choose between only the Label, only the Body, both (Label:Body), or Description.

Tag icon

Determines whether to tag will display an icon, with or without text. Choose between Text Only, Text and Icon or Icon Only.

hmtoggle_plus1greyTopology visopts_topology_button



Show line directions

Option to show/hide graphics on line entities, indicating the direction of the line.

Edges/Shaded faces on solids

Controls both the color-coding of the respective entities in the graphics area and the display of those entities that match the selected criteria. Changes to the color options only apply when used within the relevant geometry shading and color modes.

Solid transparency

Controls the level of transparency for solid entities when used within the relevant geometry shading and color modes. Higher numbers mean more transparency.

Mappable solids

Controls the color-coding of mappable solids when used with the relevant geometry shading and color modes.

hmtoggle_plus1greyVectors entityVectors-16



Vector labels

Option to show/hide labels on vector entities.

Vector size

Controls the display size (in model units) of vector entities in the graphics area. There are options for Magnitude % (which uses the magnitude of the vector to determine the size) and Uniform, which applies a constant size.

Vector handles

Option to show/hide handles on vector entities.