
Modal/Panel Participation

Modal/Panel Participation

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Modal/Panel Participation

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Modal participation represents the complex contribution of a structure or fluid mode to a response.  These modes can be systems modes in a modal frequency response analysis, or component modes from CMS superelement subsystems.  Modal participation can be output from a modal frequency response analysis using the PFMODE output request card.

Panel contribution represents the complex contribution of all grids on a structural panel to a response.  It can be output from a modal frequency response analysis using the PFPANEL output request card.

Normal modes data can be associated to modal participation results using the Diagnostic Results option on the right-click context sensitive menu of the response plot.  Select and load a normal modes data file from the Diagnostic Results dialog and click OK once the data in the file is loaded.  A dynamic context sensitive menu item Normal Mode Animation is available from the modal participation bar plot, which when selected, generates a normal modes animation plot.


Response plot - context sensitive menu


Diagnostic Results dialog


Normal Mode Animation context sensitive menu item accessed from the modal participation bar plot

hmtoggle_plus1To load the Modal/Panel Participation utility:

In HyperGraph 2D, the NVH Modal/Panel Participation utility allows you to plot modal/panel participation curves from an OptiStruct .h3d file
or an MSC Nastran .f06/.pch file.  When you launch HyperGraph 2D, the NVH preferences file is automatically loaded.  However, you must activate the NVH Utilities preferences file before you can use the utility.

1.From the File menu, select Load > Preference File.
2.From the Preferences dialog, select NVH Utilities and click Load.


Preferences dialog

The NVH menu is added to the toolbar.

3.From the NVH menu, select Modal/Panel Participation.


NVH menu

An NVH-Utilities tab is added to the browser.  This browser tab contains the following sub-tabs: Load, Display and Study.  It also contains icons for modal participation, modalParticipation-24, and order cut analysis, orderCutAnalysis-24.  Select an icon to toggle between utilities.


NVH-Utilities Browser - Load tab

4.To close the NVH-Utilities tab, click on the X in the upper right corner of the dialog.

See Also:

Modal/Panel Participation - Load Tab

Modal/Panel Participation - Display Tab

Modal/Panel Participation - Study Tab

Display Options Dialog

Filter Contributors Dialog