HyperMesh and BatchMesher

Config Edit Panel

Config Edit Panel

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Config Edit Panel

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Location:   1D, 2D, and 3D pages


Use the Config Edit panel to make changes to the configuration of existing elements.


Panel Usage

The panel layout is very simple, with no subpanels and only a few inputs.


Use this panel when you want to modify the element configuration of a model.  For example, if you have a model that includes a section of quad elements that were given the initial configuration of plates, but that section is really best represented by beam behavior, you may change the configuration from plate to beam.  Using config edit allows the quad elements to be changed into beam elements.

Another convenient use of config edit is to pair this option with the function to generate plot elements, which are similar to gap elements, but have no properties.  An example is where you have created a complex structure made up of two planes each containing a thousand elements.  If, after creating your model, you determine that you would like to have 1000 gap elements between those two planes, you can create plot elements between all those nodes by using linear 1-D.  After the plot elements have been created, it is possible to change the plot elements to gap elements by changing the value of the configuration to that of gaps.  It is then possible to assign gap properties to those gap elements and to run the model.  This eliminates having to create the gap elements individually.


Subpanels and Inputs

There are no subpanels on the Config Edit panel. All inputs and command buttons are located on the main panel.


Panel Inputs



elems selector

Select the elements whose configuration you want to change.

new config

Enter the new configuration for the elements, or click the button to pick from a list.


Command Buttons

The following action buttons appear:




Change the configuration of the selected elements to the specified new config.


Revert the change.


Exit the panel.



When you change an element configuration, the values stored with the element are set to zero.  You can update these values in the appropriate panels.

When you change the configuration, the order of the nodes on the old element is maintained on the new element.

Element configuration changes are only allowed if the new element configuration has at least as many nodes as the old configuration.

RBE3 elements can be converted to rigidlink elements and rigidlink elements can be converted to RBE3 elements, but other element types can not be converted to RBE3 or rigidlink elements.



See Also:

An Alphabetical List of HyperMesh Panels

An Alphabetical List of HyperForm Panels