HyperMesh and BatchMesher

Animation Secondary Panel

Animation Secondary Panel

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Animation Secondary Panel

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Location:    Displays after completing the Deformed panel or Transient panel.


Use the Animation Secondary panel to control the display of your model during animation sequences.


Panel Usage

The graphics engine allows you to:

Select automatic or manual control of the animation speed
Create and move cutting planes through your model
Display isosurfaces
Create an AVI file


Subpanels and Inputs

The Animation Secondary panel contains the following subpanels and command buttons:


Panel Inputs



simulation =

Clicking this button displays a list of available simulations. Select the simulation that you want to use.

data type =

Clicking this button displays a list of available data types. Select the data type that you want to use.

scale factor  =

A multiplier on the magnitude of animation changes.

model units =

select the units in use (mm, cm, inches, and so on.)


The animation loops automatically. Move the slider to the right to increase speed of the animation, or to the left to decrease it.


Animation can be advanced or set back a frame at a time by using the arrow buttons that appear.



Once a plane has been activated, it can be moved through the model by picking the plane in the graphics area and dragging the mouse along the normal to the plane.

Planes can be trimmed and colored.


Panel Inputs



simulation =

Clicking this button displays a list of available simulations. Select the simulation that you want to use.

data type =

Clicking this button displays a list of available data types. Select the data type that you want to use.

xy plane, yz plane, xz plane

Use these checkboxes to select the plane to cut through the mode.

trim planes

When active, the model is masked so that only the parts beyond the cutting plane display.  When inactive, only the plane displays.


Create a colored contour map of the model.


Select a color for the cutting plane.


A single plane is displayed.


A double plane is displayed.

t =

Value that represents the thickness of the plane or the offset from the base cutting plane.


Reverses the direction of the desired cutting plane.

reset planes

Resets the cutting planes so they pass through the graphical centroid of the model.

clip boundary elements

When active, the model is cut flat long the planar surface.  When inactive, complete elements are drawn, often resulting in a bumpy surface.



Isosurfaces may be displayed based on the values contained within the legend or based on a single value.

If a single value isosurface is displayed, you can modify the value of the isosurface. To modify the value:

Move the mouse into the legend and select the pointer that appears after the color boxes.
Hold the mouse button down and move the mouse to the desired location.


Panel Inputs



simulation =

Clicking this button displays a list of available simulations. Select the simulation that you want to use.

data type =

Clicking this button displays a list of available data types. Select the data type that you want to use.


Activate this checkbox to show the isosurfaces.

value based / legend based

Either type in a contour value for elements/nodes that you wish to display, or use legend-based to pick the desired value with the mouse via the onscreen legend.

legend color

Displays the color of the isosurface in the color based on legend.


Select a color for the isosurface display.

iso surface =

Isosurfaces may be displayed based on the values contained within the legend or based on a single value.

You can designate the isosurface by two methods:

Move the mouse into the legend and select the pointer that appears after the color boxes.
Hold the mouse button down and move the mouse to the desired location.

increment =

This amount will be added or subtracted from the selected values (which determine the displayed elements/nodes) when the add or sub buttons are clicked.

include faces above

When active, elements/nodes with values equal to or above the selected value display.

include faces below

When active, elements/nodes with values equal to or below the selected value display.


hmtoggle_arrow1Command Buttons

The following action buttons appear throughout the subpanels:




Run the animation.

make AVI

The file is generated and saved in your specified user directory with a file extension of .AVI.  File names are automatically incremented when you create multiple AVI files.


When a contour legend value is selected, this increases the value that it represents by the increment.


When a contour legend value is selected, this decreases the value that it represents by the increment.


Exit the panel.




See Also:

Deformed panel

An Alphabetical List of HyperMesh Panels

An Alphabetical List of HyperForm Panels