Location: Geom page, solid edit panel
Use this subpanel to join solid entities that are currently separated by a narrow gap.
You can use this feature to combine solids that are currently separated by a surface (shown in yellow).
Note: | The intervening faces of the solids do not disappear completely; instead they become a single, shared face rather than two separate faces. |
The dividing surface (yellow) becomes shared (green) after merging.
You can merge solids in two ways: either select solids to merge, or select intervening surfaces to remove.
How do I…
1. | On the Solid Edit panel: select the merge subpanel. |
2. | Ensure that the solids selector under the heading to be merged is highlighted. |
3. | Select the solids you wish to merge by picking them from your model, or by using the extended entity selection menu. |
4. | If one or more faces of your model include scratches (surface features on the face which do not completely divide the face), activate the remove scratches checkbox to remove them during the merge process. |
The selected solids are merged
This process uses the *solid_untrim command.
1. | On the Solid Edit panel: select the merge subpanel. |
2. | Ensure that the surfs selector under the heading merge by removal is highlighted. |
3. | Select the surfaces you wish to remove by picking them from your model, or by using the extended entity selection menu. |
The selected solids are combined.
This process uses the *solid_untrim command.
See Also:
solid edit panel
An Alphabetical List of HyperMesh Panels