HyperMesh and BatchMesher

HM-3590: Morph Adhesive Layers

HM-3590: Morph Adhesive Layers

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HM-3590: Morph Adhesive Layers

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Use morphing to change the thickness of the middle layers of a four-layered solid, while maintaining the thickness of the outer layers.


Model Files

This exercise uses the Morph_Adhesive_Layers.hm file, which can be found in the hm.zip file. Copy the file(s) from this directory to your working directory.



Domains will be created using 3D domains > by component. Thickness will be altered using alter dimensions.




layers_morph2     layers_morph3


Step 1: Open the file.

1.Open the file, Morph_Adhesive_Layers.hm.

Step 2: Create domains and handles.

1.Click the Morphing menu and pick Create > Domains.
2.Switch the domain type to 3D domains.
3.Toggle the element selector to all elements.
4.Activate the divide by comps and partition 2D domains options.  The panel should appear as in the following image:


5.Click create to create the domains.
6.Click return to exit the Domains panel.

Step 3: Display only the morph faces of interest.

1.Using the Model Browser, hide all the components except ^morphface.
2.Mask all ^morphface elements except those on the outer layer and the layer between the Outer comp and the Adhesive_Outer to leave all the elements shown in the following image.
HINT:Select a couple of elements on the face you want to keep. Select elements >> by face, and then select elements >> reverse. This will reverse the selection to the elements you do not want and will allow you to mask those elements with the mask button.


3.To reduce the number of domains and handles shown on the screen, click the Mask tab.
4.Click the + next to Morphing to expand it.
5.Click the + in the Show column for Local Domains/Handles to display the domains and handles for only the displayed elements.
6.Hide the ^morphface component in the Model Browser.


Step 4: Increase the thickness of the outer adhesive layer by 5 units.

1.Click the Morphing menu and pick Morph to open the Morph panel.
2.Open the alter dimensions subpanel.
3.Change the dimension type to radius.
4.Activate the add to current checkbox.
5.For domains, select the curved edge domains as well as the 2-D domains representing the curved surfaces as seen in the following image.


6.Set the center calculation to by axis.
7.For the axis, use the z-axis.
8.For B select the temp node that represents the center of the cylinder.
9.In radius= box, change value to 5 units.
10.Click morph.
11.Go to the save shape subpanel.
12.For name= enter sh1.
13.Switch to as node perturbations.
14.Click save.
15.Click undo all to revert back to the original model configuration.
16.Show all components except the ^morphface component.
17.Go to the apply shapes subpanel.
18.For shapes select sh1.
19.Click select.
20.Click animate.

This takes you to the Deformed Shape panel.

21.Change the animation scale from model units to scale factor.
22.Set the scale factor to 1.
23.Click linear to start the animation.
24.Once you are done viewing your animation and verifying that it is as intended, you can return to the main panel area.

With this step you have successfully completed morphing one of the middle layers of the four-layer model.

Optional: Using the process shown above, increase the thickness of Adhesive_Inner component by 5 units.



See Also:

HyperMesh Tutorials