HyperMesh and BatchMesher

HM-3625: Morph a Symmetric Part onto a New Geometry

HM-3625: Morph a Symmetric Part onto a New Geometry

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HM-3625: Morph a Symmetric Part onto a New Geometry

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Update the mesh to a new geometry quickly using symmetry.


Model Files

This exercise uses the fe_only.hm and new_design.igs files, which can be found in the hm.zip file. Copy the file(s) from this directory to your working directory.



3-D domains, symmetry, interactive morphing.


Figure 1: Mesh to morph

Step 1: Load the model.

1.From the menu bar, select File > Open > Model and load the file fe_only.hm.
2.From the menu bar, select File > Import  > Geometry and load the file new_design.igs.

Step 2: Create domains and handles.

1.From the menu bar, select Morphing > Create > Domains.
2.Switch the domain type from global domains to 3D domains.
3.Toggle the element selector to all elements.
4.Activate the partition 2D domains option.
5.Click create to create the domains.
6.Select return to exit the panel.

Step 3: Create symmetries.

1.From the menu bar, select Morphing > Create > Symmetries to enter the Symmetry panel.
2.Switch the symmetry type to cyclical.
3.Switch the symmetry angle from 180 degrees to set freq.
4.Set the # of cycles to 18.
5.Click syst.
6.Select the center point of the gear.
7.Click domains >> all.
8.Click create.
9.Click return.

Step 4: Morph the mesh to the new geometry.

1.From the menu bar, select Morphing > Morph , then select the move handles subpanel.
2.Zoom in to one of the cogs of the gear as in the following image:


Figure 2: Mesh, domains handles and the new geometry

3.Switch the morphing method to move to point.
4.With from: handle active, select the node depicted in the following image.
5.With to: point active, select the point on the geometry you want to move the handle to, as depicted in the following image:


Figure 3: Morphing handle to point

As the handles are moved, you will see that the mesh starts conforming to the new geometry.


Figure 4: Mesh mapped onto the new geometry

6.In the same manner, move the following handles:


Figure 5: Handles to map

7.Return to the main menu.


Figure 6: Updated (morphed) mesh


Notice how each cog on the gear is updated. Taking advantage of the symmetry in this part, you are able to morph it much quicker.




See Also:

HyperMesh Tutorials