HyperMesh and BatchMesher

2D BL Meshing

2D BL Meshing

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2D BL Meshing

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Use the Generate 2D BL Mesh utility to generate 2D meshes with or without boundary layers on planar sections defined by sets/groups of edges defining closed loops. A region is considered closed if it is entirely bounded by edge elements (edge elements should be of type PLOTEL). Element configurations generated by this utility are linear quadrilateral (quad4) and triangular (tria3).

To access this utility, from within the CFD user profile, on the Utility Menu, click the Generate 2D BL Mesh button.

Use the following options to create a 2D mesh with or without boundary layers from groups of edges defining closed and non-intersecting loops.

Number of Boundary Layers

Specifies the number of boundary layers to be generated from all the elements in components with type Wall. No boundary layers will be generated from components with type Wall if the value of the number of boundary layers is set to 0.

1st Layer Thickness

Desired thickness for the first layer of elements.

Growth Rate

Boundary layer thickness growth rate from layer to layer.

Bound Type

When Bound Type is set to Wall, boundary layers are generated along the component edges. No boundary layers are generated when Bound Type is set to far-field, inlet, outlet and symmetry.

Note:Edge elements in collectors having Bound Type defined as far-field, inlet, outlet and symmetry will be used to define the geometry, but they will not dictate element size/density.

Add Collectors

Used to select collectors with edge elements that define the boundaries of the domain. Selected collectors are populated in the Components Table with the default values set for 1st Layer Thickness, Growth Rate and Bound Type.


Used to remove the selected collectors from the Components list.

Set defaults

Used to assign the default values for 1st Layer Thickness, Growth Rate and Bound Type.

Allow Boundary Node Insertion

Option to refine the boundary edges to generate boundary layer type meshes with the maximum desired element aspect ratio.

Allow Boundary Node Movement

Option to move boundary nodes to generate boundary layer type meshes with the maximum desired element aspect ratio.

Max Perimeter Element Aspect Ratio

Used to refine the boundary edges (inserting nodes and/or moving nodes) to meet the specified aspect ratio.

Generate 2D BL Mesh

Generate the mesh with the selected edges and associated settings.


Deletes the generated mesh.


How do I....

Mesh a 2D Planar Area with Boundary Layers for CFD



See Also:

An Alphabetical List of HyperMesh Panels