Once study Setup is complete, an unlimited combination of approaches can be added to a study. Regardless of approach type, the same basic operations are used to add, copy/add, and delete an approach. An overview of each approach is available: DOE, Fit, Optimization, and Stochastic.
The same steps are used to develop each approach, with the exception of Fit, which includes a step to select matrices. All of the steps are explored in detail in the Approach Steps chapter.
How do I...
Once a study has been set up, approaches can be added.
1. | In the Explorer, right-click and select Add Approach from the context sensitive menu. |
Click Edit > Add Approach from the menu bar.
In the Report step, click Next from the work area. When you click Next, HyperStudy displays a context sensitive menu (if this operation is possible), and you can select Add Approach.
2. | In the HyperStudy - Add dialog, enter a label for the approach in the Label field. |
3. | Under Select Type, select one of the following approaches: Doe, Fit, Optimization and Stochastic. |
4. | Click Apply or OK according to your needs. |
Adds a single approach to your study and closes the HyperStudy - Add dialog.
Adds an approach to your study, but keeps the HyperStudy - Add dialog open to allow you to create more approaches.
Closes the HyperStudy - Add dialog.
1. | In the Explorer, right-click on the approach you would like to copy and then select Copy from the context sensitive menu. |
2. | In the HyperStudy - Copy dialog, enter a label for the new approach in the Label field. |
3. | Click Apply or OK according to your needs. |
Adds a single copy of the approach to your study and closes the HyperStudy - Copy dialog.
Adds a copy of the approach to your study, but keeps the HyperStudy - Copy dialog open to allow you to create more copies of the approach.
Closes the HyperStudy - Copy dialog.
1. | In the Explorer, right-click on the approach you would like to remove and then select Remove Approach from the context sensitive menu. |