Animation files can be annotated using notes. Notes are text boxes placed in HyperView windows for labeling items, describing trends, and relating additional information. The Notes panel supports Templex functions, allowing you to perform calculations and other data analysis within a note. The information in a note changes as a model animates.
To access the Notes panel, click on the Notes button on the Annotations toolbar, or select Notes from the Annotations menu.
Note panel
Notes |
The Notes list displays the names of all notes in the active window. Use the Add and Delete buttons to add and delete notes from the list. Keyboard shortcuts are also available for selecting items within the list:
In addition, you can access the following options by right-clicking anywhere within the Notes list: Delete - Deletes the selected note(s) from the list. Rename - Displays the Rename dialog, which allows you to rename the selected note. Show - Displays the selected note(s) in the graphics area and activates the corresponding check box(s). Hide - Hides the selected note(s) in the graphics area and deactivates the corresponding check box(s). To edit a note, you must first select a note from the list. The information contained in the Description box can then be edited. By default, a note containing model information (Model Info) is included. It automatically displays the model title, current loadcase, simulation, and frame number in the upper right corner of the graphics area. This information can be customized in the Description window, but the note cannot be deleted from the Notes list. You can sort the items in the Notes list by clicking on the Notes heading. |
Attach to |
The Attach to drop-down menu allows you to specify how a note is displayed in the window. Once attached, notes can be positioned anywhere in the window. There are three ways a note can be anchored. |
Window |
The note remains stationary when the animation image is repositioned in the window. Window is the default attachment type. |
Entity |
The note can be attached to a node, element, component, or system in the model. If you select Component, the note leader is attached to the center of the bounding box of the component. Notes can also be attached to the Nodes that lie on a cross-section cut. |
Coordinates |
The note can be attached to the x, y, z coordinates of the model, which are designated in the X:, Y:, and Z: text boxes. |
Multi select |
Allows you to select multiple entities to which a note will be attached. Activating this check box changes the entity collector from a single entity collector to an extended entity collector. Activating the Multi select option disables the ability to edit a single note in the Notes list. To review/edit the properties of an individual note after the creation of multiple notes, or after unchecking the multi-select option, you simply need to click on the desired note in the list. |
Entity input collector |
The input collector allows you to select, or change, the entity type of a note. |
Field names |
The Field names drop-down menu allows you to select fields to be used in a Templex expression. The available options change depending on the attachment type selected from the Attach to drop-down menu, as well as the post-processing that has been applied. Each field name has a Templex expression assigned to it. After selecting a field, click Insert Field to insert the field name in the Description box. You can also enter a Templex expression directly into the Description box. Below is a brief description of the Templex expressions that relate to Window and Entity: |
Window |
{window.modeltitle} |
The title of the currently loaded model. |
{window.loadcase} |
The label of the current subcase. |
{window.simulationstep} |
The label of the current simulation step. |
{window.modelfilename} |
Displays the path of the current model file. |
{window.shortmodelfilename} |
Displays the current model file name only (without the path). |
{window.resultfilename} |
Displays the path of the current result file. |
{window.shortresultfilename} |
Displays the current result file name only (without the path). |
{window.frame} |
Displays the current result frame number for the model. |
Multiple model info {for (i = 0; i != numpts(window.modeltitlelist); ++i) } {window.modelidlist[i]}: {window.modeltitlelist[i]} {window.loadcaselist[i]} : {window.simulationsteplist[i]} : {window.framelist[i]} {endloop} |
Displays information about all of the models loaded in a window. This expression block is located within a for loop. Notes:
Active Model info {window.modelid}: {window.modeltitle} {window.loadcase} : {window.simulationstep} : {window.frame} |
Displays important information about the current model. |
Entity |
{} |
The ID of the entity the note is attached to. |
{entity.label} |
The label of the entity the note is attached to. Returns “Element” for element, “Node” for node, and the label of the "part" for part (component). |
{entity.pool} |
The pool name to which the entity belongs to. |
{entity.coords} |
The global coordinates of the entity the note is attached to. In the case of parts and elements, it is the centroid coordinates of the entity. |
{} |
The ID of the parent of the entity the notes is attached to. For example, part (component) is the parent for nodes and assembly is the parent to part (component). |
{parent.label} |
The label of the parent of the entity the note is attached to. |
{parent.pool} |
The pool name of the parent of the entity the note is attached to. |
{entity.contour_val} |
The contour value of the entity the note is attached to. |
{entity.contour_max} {entity.contour_min} |
For a "part" (component) entity type, it corresponds to the max/min contour value of the entity the note is attached to. These do not have any significance for nodes/elements. It is the same as the contour value at that node/element. |
{contour.datatype} |
The name of the data type which is contoured currently (for example: Displacement). |
{contour.component} |
The data type component which is contoured currently (for example: Mag). |
{contour.layer} |
Returns the layer name for which the result is contoured (for example: z1, z2, mid). |
{contour.legend_min} |
The current minimum of the static legend in the contour panel. |
{contour.legend_max} |
The current maximum of the static legend in the contour panel. |
{contour.legend_localmin} |
The current minimum of the dynamic legend in the contour panel. |
{contour.legend_localmax} |
The current maximum of the dynamic legend in the contour panel. |
Note - Whenever there is a tensor plot or a vector plot applied on the model, the Templex expression could potentially use tensor or vector, instead of contour. For example: |
Description |
Once a note has been added to the Notes list, note text can be entered in the Description box. Press ENTER to create a new line. There is no limit to the number of lines a note can contain. Click the expansion button, Templex statements entered in the Description box are evaluated when you click Apply. If an entity is referenced that is not available, it will be stated in the note. An if-then statement can be used to remedy such a situation. |
Font |
Click the Font button, |
Apply |
Click Apply to display the text in the note box or to update existing text. |
Display options |
The following options allow you to control the display for the currently selected note only: |
Transparency |
Activate the Transparency check box to remove the color from the note box and make it transparent against the window. |
Auto-hide |
Activate the Auto-hide check box to hide the note box when the entity that the note is attached to is not visible on the screen. Note - This also applies to all entities (except systems) that are hidden by section cuts. |
Move to entity |
Activate the Move to entity check box to position the note at the attachment location. Note - This option is disabled if Window has been selected from the Attach To drop-down menu. Activating the Move to entity check box will automatically override the Anchor to Screen option (if activated). |
Anchor to Screen |
Select Anchor to Screen to have the note remain stationary during animation or when manipulating the model view (rotating, zooming, etc.). Note - This option is disabled if Window has been selected from the Attach To drop-down menu. |
Color |
Click the Color box to select a note color from the pop-up dialog. |
Fill Color |
Click the Fill Color box to select a fill color for the note box from the pop-up dialog. Note - This option is disabled if the Transparency option is activated. You must remove the check mark from the Transparency option in order to select a fill color. |
Align text |
Text can be left aligned, right aligned, or centered in a note box. Select the alignment from the Align text drop-down menu. Text alignment is updated automatically. |
Border menu |
From the Border drop-down menu, select No Border,
Positioning Notes |
Notes can be positioned anywhere in the window by dragging them with MB1 (three-button mouse) or the left-mouse button (two-button mouse). Click inside the note box, then drag the note to a new location. While moving, the note is represented by a colored box. Release the button to place the note at the new position. Note - The ability to position a note using the click and drag method is disabled if the Multi-select check box is activated. |
A new note is appended to the list.
The new note is now displayed in the window. |
The note is removed from the list and the window. |
The note is renamed. |
Each attribute setting is applied immediately upon selection. |
The note is attached to the window. |
The note is attached to the node, element, component, or system. |
A line is drawn from the note to the selected coordinates. |
See also
List of Tcl/Tk poINote Class commands