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Basic OptiStruct NVH Output Files

Basic OptiStruct NVH Output Files

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Basic OptiStruct NVH Output Files

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For more detail information, refer to Files Created by OptiStruct.

From a Standard Modal or Frequency Response Analysis


This file contains the super element information from a super element creation run, the modal information from a modal run, the response output from a frequency response run, or the output from an optimization run. Information in this file can come from various types of analysis. This is a binary file that is used by HyperView.


This file contains a problem summary and results summary of the run. This file is created by default, but can be turned off using OUTPUT=HTML,NO. Open this file in an internet browser, like Internet Explorer or Firefox. It is very useful in debugging modal problems.


This file contains the coupling between the cavity model and the structural model. This file can be viewed by reading in both the cavity and structure file first and then reading in the file through the standard file input selection in HyperMesh. This file is created if there are both structural and fluid meshes in the input data file.


This file contains the information to quickly load in the requested output information into HyperGraph. It references the .pch file information.


Duplicates the standard Nastran .op2 file information. File is created by the OUTPUT2 output format command. Binary file.


This file contains the run information such as warning and error messages, mass information, memory requirements, and AMLS information. This file is always created.


This file can contains output in both the XYPUNCH or PUNCH Nastran format. This file is created when XYPEAK, XYPLOT, XYPUNCH or PUNCH output is requested. ASCII format.


This file contains the peak response information from a random response run. It contains RMS value, the number of positive crossings, and the peak power spectral density and responses. ASCII format.


The .res file is a HyperMesh binary results file. Output results can be view in HyperMesh Post capabilities. This file is created when the OUTPUT,HM,YES is turned on.


This file contains the module timing information. This file is created by default, but can be turned off with OUTPUT=STAT,NO. ASCII format.


This file is used by the *.html file to view the H3D results in the HyperView Player browser plug-in.


This file is used by the *.html file to view the H3D results in the HyperView Player browser plug-in.


From an Optimization Run


Updated design variables at final iteration. ASCII format.


Update property values at final iteration. Output is for all property values even those not being optimized. Creation of this file is controlled by the PROPERTY I/O option. ASCII format.


This file contains the sensitivity information for the selected DESVARS. This output can be viewed in Excel. This file is created when the SENSITIVITY command is used.


This file is always generated if sensitivity information is requested. Non-English version of the .slk file.


This file contains the iteration history of the objective function, constraint functions, design variables, and response functions. Contents of this file are controlled by the I/O option HISOUT.  This file can be read into HyperGraph to display its contents. ASCII format.


This file contains the iteration history of the objective function, maximum constraint violation, design variables, DRESP1 type responses, and DRESP2 type responses. Contents of this file are controlled by the I/O option HISOUT. ASCII format.


This file is created when an optimization is performed. Contains information necessary to restart the optimization from a given iteration. Output of this file is controlled by the I/O Option SHRES.


This file is a compressed binary file, containing both model and result data. It can be used to post-process results in HyperView or using the HyperView Player. The _s#.h3d file is created when the H3D format is chosen.


This file is a compressed binary file, containing both model and result data. It can be used to post-process results in HyperView or when using the HyperView Player. The _des.h3d file is created when the H3D format is chosen (I/O option FORMAT), and an optimization run is performed.


This file is a compressed binary file containing both model and result data. It can be used to post-process shell thickness (gauge) sensitivity in HyperView. The *_gauge.0.h3d file is created when the H3D format is chosen (I/O option FORMAT), and an optimization run is performed.


This file is a HyperView session file and may be opened from the File menu in HyperView or HyperGraph. The file automatically creates individual plots for each of the results contained in the .hist file. Each plot occupies its own page within HyperView (HyperGraph). This file is created when an optimization is performed. Creation of this file is controlled by the I/O option DESHIS.


From PFMODE, PFGRID Analysis


This file contains the output from PFMODE and PFPANEL requests. This information can be viewed in the HyperView NVH PFMODE-PFGRID module. In version 12.0, this file is only available when output=punch is requested in PFMODE and PFPANEL. It is recommended to export the modal and panel participation data into a H3D file, due to the large volume of data.


This file contains the output from PFMODE, PFPANEL, and PFGRID requests. Results of PFGRID is only available in H3D file.


From a Super Element Creation Analysis


This file contains the exterior and interior grids, plotels and plate plotels, retained in the super element creation run. This file is created when the PARAM, SEPLOT,YES command is included in the run. ASCII format.


This file contains the super element binary information to be included in a future residual run. Always created for a super element run. This file is created by default, but can be turned off with OUTPUT,H3D, NO.