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Block Format Keyword

/INTER/TYPE24 - Interface Type 24


TYPE24 is a general nodes to surface contact interface using the penalty method. Penalty stiffness is constant and therefore the time step is not affected (for standard penalty stiffness). Solid elements are given a zero gap. Three types of inputs contacts can be defined: single surface, surface to surface, or nodes to surface. This contact interface can replace interface TYPE3, TYPE5, TYPE7, or TYPE20. For implicit solution, this interface TYPE24 is only available with SMP.





































Required Fields
































Read this input only if Ifric > 0 (Optional)

















Read this input only if Ifric > 1 (Optional)
















hmtoggle_plus1Flag Definition



SI Unit Example


Interface identifier

(Integer, maximum 10 digits)



Optional unit identifier

(Integer, maximum 10 digits)



Interface title

(Character, maximum 100 characters)



Optional first surface identifier (Comment 1)




Optional second surface identifier




Interface stiffness definition flag (Comment 2)


= 0: default, set to the value defined in /DEFAULT/INTER/TYPE24.

= 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6: Stfac is a stiffness scale factor and the interface stiffness is computed from both master and slave characteristics

= 1000: Stfac is a stiffness scale factor and interface stiffness is computed based only on the master side characteristics (default in case /DEFAULT/INTER/TYPE24 is not defined)



Optional nodes group identifier (Comment 1)

If grnd_IDs is defined, node group will be added as slave nodes.




Slave maximum gaps (Comment 3)



Master maximum gaps (Comment 3)



Minimum stiffness (used only when Istf > 1 and Istf < 7) (Comment 2)



Maximum stiffness (used only when Istf > 1 and Istf <

7) (Comment 2)

Default = 1030  (Real)


Gap modification flag for slave shell nodes on the free edges


= 0: default, set to the value defined in /DEFAULT/INTER/TYPE24.

= 1: set gap to zero for the slave shell nodes

= 1000:  no change (default in case /DEFAULT/INTER/TYPE24 is not defined)



Initial penetration detection flag (Comment 7)


= 0: default, set to the value defined in /DEFAULT/INTER/TYPE24.

= 1: including self-impact in each part

= 1000: excluding self-impact in each part (default in case /DEFAULT/INTER/TYPE24 is not defined)



Maximum initial penetration (Comment 6)

Default = 0 (Real)


Interface stiffness scale factor (Comment 2)

Default = 1.0 (Real)



Coulomb friction (Comment 4)




Start time (Comment 8)



Temporary deactivation time (Comment 8)

Default = 1030  (Real)


Deactivation flag of boundary conditions at impact




Initial penetration flag (Comment 6)


= 0: default, set to the value defined in /DEFAULT/INTER/TYPE24.

= -1: all initial penetrations are taken into account

= 5: the master segment is shifted by the initial penetration value

If , then , where is the initial penetration.

= 1000: only tiny initial penetrations will be taken into account (default in case /DEFAULT/INTER/TYPE24 is not defined)



Critical damping coefficient on interface stiffness

Default = 0.05  (Real)



Friction formulation flag (Comment 4)

Default = 0  (Integer)

= 0: static Coulomb friction

= 1: generalized viscous friction law

= 2: Darmstad friction law

= 3: Renard friction law



Friction filtering flag (Comment 5)

Default = 0  (Integer)

= 0: no filter is used

= 1: simple numerical filter

= 2: standard -3dB filter with filtering period

= 3: standard -3dB filter with cutting frequency



Filtering coefficient (Comment 5)

Default = 1.0  (Real)



Sensor identifier to Activate/Deactivate the interface.

(Integer) (Comment 8)



Friction law coefficient (Comment 4)




Friction law coefficient




Friction law coefficient




Friction law coefficient




Friction law coefficient




Friction law coefficient



hmtoggle_plus1Flags for Deactivation of Boundary Conditions: IBC





















Deactivation flag of X boundary condition at impact

=0: free DOF

=1: fixed DOF



Deactivation flag of Y boundary condition at impact

=0: free DOF

=1: fixed DOF



Deactivation flag of Z boundary condition at impact

=0: free DOF

=1: fixed DOF


1.Contact master/slave pairs can be defined in three ways:
Single self-impacting surface only: surf_ID1 > 0, and surf_ID2 = 0
Symmetric surface to surface: surf_ID1 > 0, and surf_ID2 > 0
Nodes to surface: grnd_IDs > 0, surf_ID1 = 0, and surf_ID2 > 0

grnd_IDs > 0 is used to define node to surface contact type, but it may also be used in other contact types. In that case, the node group will be added simply as supplementary slave nodes, which is useful when users want to add spring element nodes, master node of rigid body, etc. into the contact (as slave nodes).

If the surface is defined with shells, two contact segments (shifted by half thickness (t)) with opposite normal directions will be generated:


In case of SPMD, each master segment defined by surf_IDi (i=1,2) must be associated to an element (possibly to a void element).

In cases where quadratic elements are used, it is recommended to define the surfaces by using /SURF/PART/EXT as in that case, middle nodes of quadratic elements are used in the contact treatment.

The surface definition /SURF/PART/ALL is not available with TYPE24.

2.Contact stiffness can be adjusted with Istf flag:
By default, contact stiffness is taken from the master segment

If Istf > 1 and Istf < 1000, stiffness Kn is computed from both master segment stiffness Km and slave node stiffness Ks, as follows:
Istf = 2,
Istf = 3,
Istf = 4,
Istf = 5,
Istf = 6, , Soft stiffness. This option is only available with implicit solution.

For each contact, to make nonlinear iteration convergence easier, smaller initial stiffness is used; for the function of the reaction of the contacting parts (with increasing penetration or rebound), the stiffness will be adjusted, but is always smaller than the input stiffness, then:

For each interface stiffness definition:

Km: master segment stiffness

, when the master segment lies on a shell
, when master segment is shared by shell and solid
, when master segment lies on a solid.

Ks: Slave node stiffness is an equivalent nodal stiffness considered for interface TYPE24, and computed as:

, when node is connected to a shell element,
, when node is connected to solid element.


S is the segment area,

V is the volume of the solid,

B is the Bulk Modulus,

t is the thickness of the shell

The Stfac value can be larger than 1.0. There is no limitation value to the stiffness factor (a value larger than 1.0 can reduce the initial time step).


If Implicit Analysis is to be considered (defined by /IMPLICIT), the default value is Istf= 4; Istf = 6 is recommended for flexible or bending dominated structures.

3.The gap is computed automatically (similar to the variable gap, Igap = 1 of TYPE7) for each impact as:


gm: master element gap:
, with t is the thickness of the master element for shell elements
, for brick elements
gs: slave node gap:
, if the slave node is not connected to any element or is only connected to brick or spring elements.
, if the slave node is connected to a shell element, with t being the largest thickness of the shell elements connected to the slave node.
, if the slave node is connected to truss or beam elements, with S being the cross section of the 1D element.

If the slave node is connected to multiple shells and/or beams or trusses, the largest computed slave gap is used.

gm and gs are limited separately by Gap_max_m and Gap_max_s before the gap is  computed.

4.The friction forces are:

While an adhesion force is computed as follows:


is coulomb friction coefficient and it define as below:

For flag Ifric by default:

with (Coulomb friction)

For flag Ifric > 1, new friction models are introduced. In this case, the friction coefficient is set by a function:


p is the pressure of the normal force on the master segment

V is the tangential velocity of the slave node.

Currently, the coefficients C1 ~ C6 are used to define a variable friction coefficient for new friction formulations.

The following formulations are available:

Ifric = 1 (generalized viscous friction law):

Ifric = 2  (Darmstad law):

Ifric = 3  (Renard law):









First critical velocity must be different to 0 ().
First critical velocity must be less than the second critical velocity ().
The static friction coefficient and the dynamic friction coefficient , must be less than the maximum friction ( and ).
The minimum friction coefficient , must be less than the static friction coefficient and the dynamic friction coefficient ( and ).
5.Friction Filtering

If Ifiltr = 1, 2 or 3, the tangential forces are smoothed using a filter:

Where, coefficient is calculated from:

If Ifiltr = 1, , simple numerical filter
If Ifiltr = 2, , standard -3dB filter, with , and T = filtering period
If Ifiltr = 3, , standard -3dB filter, with Xfreq = cutting frequency

The filtering coefficient Xfreq should have a value between 0 and 1.

6.Inacti and Ipen_max, initial penetration treatment:
Inacti = 1000: the initial penetrations are ignored: no contact force are applied, but the nodes are not deactivated from the contact; if the node goes out of the contact and later gets back into contact, contact forces are then applied.


Inacti = -1: initial forces are applied on all penetrating nodes. High initial penetrations should be avoided, as they might generate high contact forces and lead to high energy error at the beginning of the computation.
Inacti = 5: the master segment is shifted by the initial penetration value (P0); therefore at time zero no initial forces are applied.

The master segment position is restored only in case of rebound larger than P0.

In the opposite case, when slave node continues to penetrate, the penetration is computed as:


Intersections and large initial penetration (Inacti=-1 and 5):

Shells and thick shells: initial intersections should be avoided, as they will lead to wrong direction of contact force and possible slave nodes anchorage.

Solids: by default, the distance which is considered for searching the initial penetration is compute as:

While for each master segment,

V is the volume of the connected solid element,

A is the segment area,

Ledge (edge= 1 to 4) are the lengths of the edges of the segment.

is the number of master segments

 is an estimation of the depth of the solid element connected to the segment (limited to the size of the segment).


Maximum initial penetration Ipen_max:

If a non-zero value is input for Ipen_max, this default value is omitted and initial penetrations will be searched within Ipen_max.
Large value of the searching distance might lead to poor performance of RADIOSS Starter and/or memory allocation failure. Therefore, it is advised not to set a too large value for Ipen_max.
Nevertheless, Ipen_max may be used to catch penetrations larger than the computed (default) searching distance, as shown below:


7.Ipen0, Initial penetration detection flag:
By default, the detection of the penetrations for self-impacts for each part (shell and solid elements only) are always excluded (even if surf_ID1 is defined in isolation and Inacti =-1 is set).
Ipen0 = 1 initial penetrations are taken into account for self-impact for each part and initial forces are set, but in some complex situations, incorrect initial penetrations might be calculated.
8.When sens_ID is defined for activation/deactivation of the interface, Tstart and Tstop are not taken into account.
9.For output forces:

When the contact type is asymmetric surface to surface, the output normal contact forces in Time History are calculated correctly, if the two surfaces are well separated.

10.For implicit solution:
Interface TYPE24 is now only available with SMP
The default for Istf will be set to 4 (Istf = 6 can be used, recommended for flexible or bending dominated structures)
The default for Inacti will be set to -1