Block Format Keyword
/MAT/LAW78 - Yoshida-Uemori Material
This law is the Yoshida-Uemori model for describing the large-strain cyclic plasticity of metals. The law is based on the framework of two surfaces theory: the yielding surface and the bounding surface. During the plastic deformation, a yield surface will move within the bounding surface and will never change its size, and the bounding surface can change both in size and location. The plastic-strain dependency of the Young’s modulus and the work-hardening stagnation effect are also taken into account.
Concerning SPH, it is compatible with solid only, this can be verified with the /SPH/WavesCompression test. The solid version is only isotropic. The shell version is anisotropic based on Hill criterion.
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/MAT/LAW78/mat_ID/unit_ID |
mat_title |
E |
Y |
b |
C |
h |
B0 |
m |
Rsat |
OptR |
C1 |
C2 |
r00 |
r45 |
r90 |
fct_IDE |
Einf |
CE |
#RADIOSS STARTER #---1----|----2----|----3----|----4----|----5----|----6----|----7----|----8----|----9----|---10----| /UNIT/1 unit for mat Mg mm s #---1----|----2----|----3----|----4----|----5----|----6----|----7----|----8----|----9----|---10----| #- 2. MATERIALS: #---1----|----2----|----3----|----4----|----5----|----6----|----7----|----8----|----9----|---10----| /MAT/LAW78/1/1 DP600-HDG # RHO_I 7.8E-9 # E NU 206000 .3 # Y B C H B0 420 112 200 0 555 # m RSAT OPTR C1 C2 12 190 0 1 1 # R0 R45 R90 1 1 1 # fct_IDE EINF CE 0 1 163000 #---1----|----2----|----3----|----4----|----5----|----6----|----7----|----8----|----9----|---10----| #ENDDATA /END #---1----|----2----|----3----|----4----|----5----|----6----|----7----|----8----|----9----|---10----| |
whereas for shell elements, Hill’s (48) yield criterion is used, which allows modeling anisotropic materials and it is expressed as follows:
where, (
Where, 0 is the original center of the yield surface, the yield surface with its center Schematic drawing of the two-surface model
C and a are material parameters. And
The evolution equation for kinematic hardening of bounding surface is:
The initial value of the scale factor should be equal to 1 and it decreases.
Where, E and Einf are respectively the initial and asymptotic value of Young’s modulus, Note: If fct_IDE = 0 and CE = 0, Young modulus E is kept constant.