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Bulk Data Entry

PANELG – Generic Panel Definition


Defines a set of grid points and/or elements as generic panel.


























Unique panel identification number.

No default (Integer > 0)


Panel label.

No default (Character string)


Panel types:

PFP: Indicates that the panel should be considered for panel participation output (similar to PANEL). PFP panels can be specified as a set of grid points or as a set of elements.

ERP: Indicates that the panel should be considered for equivalent radiated power output (similar to ERPPNL).

SOUND: Indicates that the panel should be considered for radiated sound output.

Blank: indicates that the panel should be considered in any context involving panels.

Default = blank (PFP, ERP, SOUND, or blank, see comments 1 to 3)


Set identification number for a set of elements.

No default (Integer > 0 or blank)


Set identification number for a set of grids.

No default (Integer > 0 or blank)


Radiation Loss Factor used in the Equivalent Radiated Power (ERP) calculation. A real value can be specified to directly define the Loss Factor for all frequencies. An Integer value can be specified to reference a TABLEDi entry that defines the Loss Factor vs Frequency table.

No default (Real > 0.0 or Integer > 0 or blank)

For this particular panel, the Loss Factor value specified on this field overrides the loss factor specified via PARAM, ERPRLF.

If this field is blank, the Loss Factor value specified via PARAM, ERPRLF will be used.


1.Panels of type ERP/SOUND may be defined as a set of elements, a set of grid points, or both. If a set of elements is defined, the panel will consist of all grid points connected to these elements. If both sets are defined, the panel will consist of the intersection of those sets. Panels of type PFP must be defined as a set of grid points or a set of elements.
2.It is always recommended to explicitly define the panel type (TYPE field). However, if the TYPE field is blank, and the panel is used for panel participation output (PFP), the panel should always be defined as a set of grid points. Alternatively, if the TYPE field is blank, and the panel is used for ERP/SOUND output, then it may be defined either as a set of grid points or a set of elements.
3.The element set can also consist of solid elements. In such cases, grids on the wetted surface are automatically detected to define the panel.

See Also:

Bulk Data Section

Guidelines for Bulk Data Entries

Bulk Data Entries by Function

The Input File