HyperWorks Solvers

Results of a Multi-body Dynamics Analysis

Results of a Multi-body Dynamics Analysis

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Results of a Multi-body Dynamics Analysis

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The primary results in a multi-body dynamics analysis are the motions of the bodies. They are written as nodal displacements, velocities, and accelerations. For flexible bodies, element results such as deformations, stresses, and strains are derived from those results. These results can be displayed in an animation of the entire system in a graphical toll such as Altair HyperView (see figure). Aside from the full nodal results, the solver provides a more compressed form of animation data only for multi-body dynamics analysis that can only be displayed in Altair HyperView, where HyperView does many of the typical transformations and final computations.

See the Results of a Finite Element Analysis section to find more information on how to post-process nodal and elemental results.

Measures like body displacements, velocities, accelerations, joint forces, and user-defined expressions are being written as time history. Marker time history can be written upon request. These results can be plotted in a graphical plotting tool such as Altair HyperGraph.

The definitions of the output options can be found in the I/O Options Section. An overview of the result files can be found in the Results Output by OptiStruct section.


See Also:

Multi-body Dynamics Simulation