MotionView User's Guide

Control SISOs Panel - Properties Tab

Control SISOs Panel - Properties Tab

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Control SISOs Panel - Properties Tab

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From the Properties tab on the ControlSISOs panel, you can edit the control SISO data.


Control SISOs panel – Properties tab



Append and Delete

Enter a value in the Numerator text box.

Enter a value in the Append text box and click Append to add additional numerators to the Numerator table.

Place a check mark in the numerator you want to remove and click Delete to remove numerators from the table.

Append and Delete

Enter a value in the Denominator text box.

Enter a value in the Append text box and click Append to add additional numerators to the Denominator table.

Place a check mark in the denominator you want to remove and click Delete to remove denominator from the table.

Static hold

Select Static hold if the state of the control SISO is not permitted to change during static and quasi-static analysis of the solver.  Otherwise, deselect the option.