MotionView User's Guide

Orient One Axis

Orient One Axis

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Orient One Axis

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The Orient one axis method is used to orient axisymmetric entities.  You can orient any one of the three axes of a coordinate system, and MotionView computes the remaining two.


Orient one axis option

Once you have selected an axis to orient, use the collector-combo box to specify the alignment method for the axis.


Point aligns the axis to a point.

Vector aligns the axis along a vector.

DxDyDz aligns the axis along explicit vector component.

If you choose the Point or Vector alignment method, use the collector to select the point or vector to which you want to align the axis.  Point or vector coordinates are displayed beneath the point or vector label.  The coordinates are protected by a lock and can be edited when the lock is green.

For a point, the axis lies on a line from the origin to the specified point.  For a vector, the axis lies on a line parallel to the selected vector.


Orientation using alignment vector

If you choose the DxDyDz alignment method, enter the global dx, dy, and dz components of the axis in the text boxes (there is no entity to select).  You may also enter a mathematical expression in any of the text boxes to define dx, dy or dz.

[DC]        allows you to view the direction cosines’ matrix for a coordinate system.

hmtoggle_plus1To orient a coordinate system using an origin and one alignment point:
1.Select an entity in the Project Browser that has an origin and an orientation.

The "entity" panel is automatically displayed.

2.Double click on the Point collector under Origin.

The Select a Point dialog is displayed.

3.Select a point that defines the origin of the coordinate system from the entity selector.
NoteThis collector is inactive on some panels and you cannot change which point defines the origin.
4.From the top-most drop-down menu, select Orient One Axis.
5.From the bottom-most drop-down menu, select the axis to be aligned (X Axis, Y Axis or Z Axis).
6.From the bottom-most collector combo box, select Point.
7.Use MB1 in the graphics window or the entity selector to select a point to which to align the axis.

The axis is aligned with this point and remains properly aligned even if the point location changes.