MotionView User's Guide

Run Solver Panel - Adams and Abaqus

Run Solver Panel - Adams and Abaqus

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Run Solver Panel - Adams and Abaqus

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The Run Solver panel allows you to execute MotionSolve, Adams,  and Abaqus directly from MotionView.  The Run Solver panel allows you to either run the current model or run an existing MotionSolve, Adams, or Abaqus command file generated previously by MotionView.  The image below applies to Adams and Abaqus.  If you select MotionSolve as your solver, the panel contains more options.  See Run Solver Panel for more information.


Run Solver panel with the Save and run current model option selected (Adams solver)


Run Solver panel with the Run Adams file option selected (Adams solver)

The following options are available on the Run Solver panel:



Save and run
current model

Select this option to save and run the current model.


The following options are available if using this option:

Export MDL snapshot

Saves a copy of the MDL file.

Export MDL animation file

Writes an .maf file which can be loaded as a model in HyperView.


Select a script from the drop-down menu.


Select an analysis from the drop-down menu.

Run "Solver" file

Select this option to run an existing solver command file previously generated by MotionView.

The following option is available if using this option:


Click the file browser button to select a command file from the directory.  Select a script from the drop-down menu.


Click Run to execute the solver.


Click Animate to animate the results in a HyperView window.


Click Plot to plot the results in a HyperGraph window.

hmtoggle_plus1To run the current model with the ADAMS or ABAQUS solver in MotionView:
1.From the MotionView SolverMode menu, select the ADAMS or ABAQUS solver.
2.From the General Actions toolbar, select the Run Solver panel, run-24.

The Run Solver panel is displayed.

3.Select Save and run current model.
4.Select Export MDL animation file (optional).
5.Click the file browser button.

The Save As file browser is displayed.

6.Indicate the root name of the solver file to be created.

You do not need to include an extension on the filename.  MotionView automatically generates an .adm file and an .acf command file using the root name you provided.  The name of an existing file can be selected using the file browser.

NoteIn the file browser field on the Run Solver panel, the last filename indicated is the default.
7.Click Save.
8.Select an analysis task from the Analysis option menu.

If no analysis tasks appear in the pick list, you must add a task to the current model using the Task Wizard from the Analysis menu.

9.From the Script option menu, select the solver execution script that you want to use to run the model.

MotionView displays the default script specified in the analysis definition.  This default can be overridden.

10.Click Run.

MotionView writes out the corresponding files required by the solver to run and also executes the script that is referenced in the Run panel.

A message window pops up allowing you to monitor the progress of the run.

11.If a report definition is included in the analysis definition when the run is complete, from the Analysis menu, select View Report to add the results of the run to your current session.
hmtoggle_plus1To run an existing solver file previously generated by MotionView:
1.From the MotionView SolverMode menu, select ADAMS or ABAQUS.
2.From the General Actions toolbar, select the Run Solver panel, run-24.

The Run Solver panel is displayed.

3.Select the Run "Solver" file radio button.
4.Click the file browser button.

The Open dialog is displayed.

5.Select a solver command file to run.
NoteIn the file browser field on the Run Solver panel, the last filename indicated is the default.
6.From the Script menu, select a solver execution script to run the model .
7.Click Run.

MotionView executes the solver using the command file you specified.  A message window is displayed allowing you to monitor the progress of the solver run.

8.If a report definition is included in the analysis definition when the run is complete, from the Analysis menu, select View Report to add the results of the run to your current session when the run is complete.