MotionView User's Guide

System and Assembly Panel

System and Assembly Panel

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System and Assembly Panel

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The System and Assembly panel allows you to add new systems and assemblies to your model, modify attachments, and set initial conditions and options for systems and assemblies.


System and Assembly panel

Systems and assemblies can be selected from the project browser.  The project browser context menu is used to turn the currently-selected system or analysis on or off (right-click on the system/assembly in the project browser and select Deactivate).  When a system or assembly is turned off, it is dimmed in the browser, and is turned off in the graphical display.

Note        Entities within a system or an assembly that are turned off are not written to the solver.

Refer to Container Entities to learn more about systems and assemblies.

The System and Assembly panel contains the following tabs:



Initial Conditions

System Translation


hmtoggle_plus1To add a new system to the current model:
1.From the Project Browser, select the container entity (System/Assembly/Analysis) under which the new system is to be added.
2.Right-click the System/Assembly button on the Container Entity toolbar (or select Add System/Assembly from the Project Browser context menu by right-clicking on the container entity under which the system is to be added).

The Add System/Assembly wizard dialog is displayed.


Add System/Assembly wizard dialog

3.Activate the System radio button and click Next.

The Add System dialog is displayed.


4.Assign a variable name to the system.

The variable name is required and cannot be changed after it is defined.

5.Assign a label to the system.

The system label can be changed at any time.

6.Assign a definition name to the system.
7.Click OK.

The system is added to the model.

hmtoggle_plus1To add a new assembly using an existing data file:
1.From the Project Browser, select the Assembly or Analysis (external) under which the Assembly is to added.

Note        An Assembly cannot be added to a System or Inline Analysis.

2.Right-click the System/Assembly button on the Container Entity toolbar (or select Add System/Assembly from the Project Browser context menu by right-clicking on the parent assembly or external analysis).

The Add System/Assembly wizard dialog is displayed.


3.Activate the Assembly radio button and click Next.

The Add Assembly wizard dialog is displayed.


4.Activate the Existing data file radio button and click Next.

The next Add Assembly wizard dialog is displayed.


5.Click the Existing Data File file browser button.

The Select Data File dialog is displayed.

6.Browse and select the data file that you want to use, and then click Open.

The definition file, name, and type referenced by the data file will automatically be displayed in their respective fields.

7.Assign a variable name to the assembly.

The variable name is required and cannot be changed after it is defined.

8.Assign a label to the assembly.

The assembly label can be changed at any time.  By default, the label field will display the label contained in the data file.

9.Click OK.

The assembly is added to the model.

hmtoggle_plus1To add a new assembly with a new data file which references an existing definition file:
1.From the Project Browser, select the Assembly or Analysis (external) under which the Assembly is to added.

Note        An Assembly cannot be added to a System or Inline Analysis.

2.Right-click the System/Assembly button on the Container Entity toolbar (or select Add System/Assembly from the Project Browser context menu by right-clicking on the parent assembly or external analysis).

The Add System/Assembly wizard dialog is displayed.


3.Activate the Assembly radio button and click Next.

The Add Assembly wizard dialog is displayed.


4.Activate the New data file radio button and click Next.

The next Add Assembly wizard dialog is displayed.


5.Activate the Existing definition file radio button and click Next.

The next Add Assembly wizard dialog is displayed.


6.Click the New Data File file browser button mv-tut_folder_icon.
7.Select a path and file name and click Save.
8.Click the Existing Definition File file browser button mv-tut_folder_icon.

The Select Definition File dialog is displayed.

9.Browse and select the definition file that you want to use, and then click Open.

The definition name and type referenced by the data file will automatically be displayed in their respective fields.

10.Assign a variable name to the assembly.

The variable name is required and cannot be changed after it is defined.

11.Assign a label to the assembly.

The assembly label can be changed at any time.  By default, the label field will display the label contained in the definition file.

12.Click OK.

The assembly is added to the model.

hmtoggle_plus1To add a new assembly with a new data file and a new definition file:
1.From the Project Browser, select the Assembly or Analysis (external) under which the Assembly is to added.

Note        An Assembly cannot be added to a System or Inline Analysis.

2.Right-click the System/Assembly button on the Container Entity toolbar (or select Add System/Assembly from the Project Browser context menu by right-clicking on the parent assembly or external analysis).

The Add System/Assembly wizard dialog is displayed.


3.Activate the Assembly radio button and click Next.

The Add Assembly wizard dialog is displayed.


4.Activate the New data file radio button and click Next.

The next Add Assembly wizard dialog is displayed.


5.Activate the New definition file radio button and click Next.

The next Add Assembly wizard dialog is displayed.


6.Click the New Data File file browser button mv-tut_folder_icon.
7.Select a path and file name and click Save.
8.Click the New Definition File file browser button mv-tut_folder_icon.

The Select Definition File dialog is displayed.

9.Select a path and file name and click Save.
10.Assign a definition name to the definition file (or accept the default name).
11.Assign a type for the definition file (if necessary).
12.Assign a variable name to the assembly.

The variable name is required and cannot be changed after it is defined.

13.Assign a label to the assembly.

The assembly label can be changed at any time.

14.Click OK.

The new assembly is added to the model.

hmtoggle_plus1To add an assembly placeholder:
1.From the Project Browser, select the Assembly or Analysis (external) under which the Assembly is to added.

Note        An Assembly cannot be added to a System or Inline Analysis.

2.Right-click the System/Assembly button on the Container Entity toolbar (or select Add System/Assembly from the Project Browser context menu by right-clicking on the parent assembly or external analysis).

The Add System/Assembly wizard dialog is displayed.


3.Activate the Assembly radio button and click Next.

The Add Assembly wizard dialog is displayed.


4.Activate the Specify data file later radio button and click Next.

The next Add Assembly wizard dialog is displayed.


5.Assign a variable name to the assembly.

The variable name is required and cannot be changed after it is defined.

6.Assign a label to the assembly.

The assembly label can be changed at any time.

7.Assign a type for the assembly (if necessary).
8.Click OK.

An assembly placeholder is added to the model.

NoteData and definition files can be specified to this placeholder later.  Specifying a type while adding a placeholder would restrict specifying a definition file that contains the same type.
hmtoggle_plus1To specify a data/definition file to an assembly placeholder:
1.From the Project Browser, select the assembly placeholder to which an assembly data/definition file is to be specified.
2.Right-click on the placeholder and select Select Assembly from the Project Browser context menu.

The Select Assembly wizard dialog is displayed


Select Assembly wizard dialog

Note        This dialog is very similar to the Add Assembly wizard dialog.

3.Specify a data file.
To specify an existing data file:
-Activate the Existing data file radio button and click Next.

The next Select Assembly wizard dialog is displayed.


-Click the Existing Data File file browser button.

The Select Data File dialog is displayed.

-Browse to an existing data file and click Open.

The definition file, name, and type referenced by the data file will automatically be displayed in their respective fields.

The Label field will be filled with the label value in the data file automatically.  This label value can be changed at any time.

-Click OK.

The assembly will be instantiated into the placeholder.

Note        If the selection type on the placeholder does not match the type in the definition file, the assembly cannot be selected.

To specify a new data and existing definition file:
-Activate the New data file radio button and click Next.

The next Select Assembly wizard dialog is displayed.


-Activate the Existing definition file radio button and click Next.

The next Select Assembly wizard dialog is displayed.


-Click the New Data File file browser button.

The Select Data File dialog is displayed.

-Select a path and file name and click Save.
-Click the Existing Definition File file browser button.

The Select Definition File dialog is displayed.

-Browse to an existing definition file and click Open.

The definition name and type referenced by the data file will automatically be displayed in their respective fields.

The Label field is automatically replaced with the label in the definition file.

Note        If the selection type on the placeholder does not match the type in the definition file, the assembly cannot be selected.

-Assign a label to the assembly.

The assembly label can be changed at any time.

-Click OK.

The assembly will be instantiated into the placeholder.

To specify a new data and new definition file:
-Activate the New data file radio button and click Next.

The next Select Assembly wizard dialog is displayed.


-Activate the New definition file radio button and click Next.

The next Select Assembly wizard dialog is displayed.


-Click the New Data File file browser button.

The Select Data File dialog is displayed.

-Select a path and file name for the new data file and click Save.
-Click the New Definition File file browser button.

The Select Definition File dialog is displayed.

-Select a path and file name for the new definition file and click Save.
-Assign a definition name to the definition file (or accept the default name).
-Assign a type for the definition file (if necessary).
-Assign a label to the assembly.

The assembly label can be changed at any time.

-Click OK.

The assembly (empty) will be instantiated into the placeholder.

NoteThe data and definition files can be respecified using the Reselect Assembly context menu option available in the Project Browser.  This context menu also has an option to deselect an existing assembly to a placeholder.